Ingredients to Watch For When Buying Sunscreen

We have officially hit the first long weekend of the summer! Yahoo!

As you know, we ALWAYS encourage sun safety and for the last few years, Freedom Medi-Spa has provided an extensive sunscreen report, equipping you with the knowledge and confidence for when you’re out buying sunscreen.

We are currently working on our 2022 list, but in the meantime, we wanted to remind you of the INGREDIENTS TO AVOID when stocking up on sunscreen.

Firstly, it’s important to wear a 30+ SPF broad-spectrum sunscreen on your face and body daily, and to reapply every 2 hours of sun exposure, or after swimming or excessive sweating.

We recommend purchasing sunscreens with mineral-based ingredients ie. Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide or Mexoryl. Look for a minimum of 5% of each mineral-based ingredient. This will help the sunscreen to keep stable for a longer period. Some with lower percentages will degrade quickly - you'll need to reapply sooner than 2 hours.

Here’s the thing: we know it’s sometimes difficult to avoid all chemicals. That said, some chemicals are more dangerous than others and some are known carcinogens. 

That’s why it’s imperative to READ THE LABELS.

Here’s the quick and dirty:

On the good list – Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide or Mexoryl

On the mild-risk list – Avobenzone and Octisalate

On the moderate-risk list – Homosalate and Octocrylene


When shopping, if you discover your fave sunscreen has ingredients on the mild or moderate risk lists, look at the percentage of that particular ingredient – the lower, the better – and try and stay less than 10%. 

Protection from the sun still outweighs the risk in many cases, but it is a good idea to compare the bottles and find ones with the least possible risk.

Shopping for kids? Be mindful because sometimes, the kids’ sunscreens have MORE chemical concentration than the adult ones. 

Of course, at Freedom, we carry AlumierMD Sheer Hydration and Clear Shield which are 40SPF mineral-based sunscreen and safe for everyone, including babies 6 mos and up. 

Stay tuned for our sunscreen report and send us a photo of your sunscreen for us to assess!

Enjoy the long weekend!


Does Body Contouring Hurt?

At Freedom Medi-Spa, we offer 3 different body treatment modalities: BodyFX, SculpSure and Intracel. When speaking of Body Contouring, we’ll discuss BodyFX and SculpSure specifically – each destroys fat cells and penetrate deep beneath the skin to work.

The short answer is: body contouring can be uncomfortable, but most clients find it manageable. The good news is there are ways to decrease the pain you may experience. 

It should be noted - anything that affects your nerves can affect your pain threshold, so it’s a good idea to reduce your stress at the time of a body treatment (if that is at all possible! Lol). We also recommend getting a good night’s sleep before your treatment, avoiding caffeine the day of your treatment and making sure you have eaten. If you are nervous or stressed or even hungry,  you may feel the treatment more. 

Unfortunately, while we will use numbing creams for other medi-spa treatments, numbing creams will not work on body contouring as do not penetrate deep enough to help. These treatments target deeper into the skin.

We understand pain is a concern for clients; as always, a trained medical esthetician will be with you for the duration of the treatment. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Why didn't my laser work?

Have you been to another clinic and your laser hair removal “didn’t work?”

With over 25 years in the industry, we’d like to consider ourselves Laser Hair Removal experts. Every so often, new clients will tell us their laser didn’t work at another clinic, and there could be a few reasons why:

Firstly, not all lasers are created equal; at Freedom Medi-Spa, we use a medical-grade Alexandrite & Yag laser – the Cynosure Apogee Elite system - which is a very high powered, medical-grade Laser and requires an experienced technician. This machine allows us to target the hair follicle and cauterize it, preventing future growth. 

Most spas and clinics will use an IPL (intense pulsed light) or a DPL (dynamic pulsed light - which is just a very fast IPL) machine. A high powered IPL is fantastic for Photo Facials - which is where an IPL shines.  It is great at treating sun damage, pigmentation, rosacea and diffused redness.  However, it is not the right tool for hair removal. And, as mentioned above, not all IPLs are the same – an inexpensive IPL may emit low energy, another reason why your “laser” didn’t work.

Secondly, timing: If you purchase a discounted package which is used within a couple of months, it’s unlikely your technician was able to treat the hair during its growth cycle, which means the root is still there. We schedule our appointments 4-6 weeks apart for the face and typically 8 weeks apart for the body areas, in order to treat the hair follicles at the right time.

Lastly, some of us have layers and layers of hair growth which require numerous treatments – this is why our Laser Guarantee is the perfect solution. We believe so strongly in our laser, we guarantee it.

We also offer consultations, with a test patch, enabling you to learn the differences and experience our laser for yourself. You will see an incredible difference - even with just one treatment!  

Contact Us Today.


What’s the difference between Microdermabrasion and Microneedling? 

Both are minimally-invasive facial treatments that are very popular at Freedom Medi-Spa.

Microdermabrasion is an excellent medi-spa starter treatment. It provides deep exfoliation, skin regeneration and skin oxygenation. Microdermabrasion is used to renew overall skin tone and texture, gradually and evenly erasing flaws and blemishes, by removing a precise amount of surface cells. Think of it as a fine grit that exfoliates with a vacuum to suck up all the dead skin and debris. You will leave feeling refreshed and ready to tackle any skin concerns you may have.

Microdermabrasion can improve the appearance of sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, acne scarring, melasma, and other skin-related concerns and conditions.

Microneedling is a procedure that creates micro-punctures to the skin using very fine needles, in order to stimulate collagen and elastin production. We prepare the skin by cleansing and applying a sterile hyaluronic acid to the face which will be absorbed into the micro-punctures created by the device. This procedure is most commonly used to help improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, and skin texture.

Microneedling can also be intensified with regular treatments and combining the treatment with other treatments, like Forma. To learn about FormaNeedling, click here.

Both treatments are summer safe and can be performed year-round. Of course, it goes without saying — SPF is a must every day, especially following a deep exfoliation or Microneedling treatment.

If you’re interested in learning more about these two treatments and which you should try, call us for a free consultation followed by a treatment (if you prefer).


Choose Your Next Adventure at Freedom Medi-Spa

We are excited to introduce you to our FREEDOM PASSPORT, a chance to customize a 2 - step treatment plan, all at a great price.

For only $199, you can choose 2 out of 4 amazing treatments at Freedom Medi-Spa.

Best of all, you don't have to book these treatments on the same day. This is YOUR time. Make the most of it!

The Freedom Passport is being sold from now until April 30 and you have 3 months from the date of purchase to book your treatments.

For more information on the NEW Freedom Passport, contact us.


What is Microdermabrasion?

Considered an excellent starter and introduction to more invasive treatments,  microdermabrasion provides skin exfoliation, regeneration and oxygenation. It is a minimally-invasive procedure used to renew overall skin tone and texture, gradually and evenly erasing flaws and blemishes, by removing a precise amount of surface cells.

Microdermabrasion can improve the appearance of sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, acne scarring, melasma, and other skin-related concerns and conditions.

Contact us today for a free skin consultation - with or without treatment to follow. 


What’s the difference between Body FX and SculpSure?

What's the difference between Body FX and SculpSure?

This is a question we get regularly at Freedom Medi-Spa.

Body FX and SculpSure are two non-surgical modalities used for body contouring — but they work in different ways:

SculpSure uses light-based technology to permanently destroy up to 24% of treated fat in problem areas such as the abdomen and love handles. Over a few weeks’ time, these damaged fat cells are naturally excreted from our elimination processes. Results may be seen as quickly as six weeks, and optimal results are typically seen at 12 weeks.  

It’s great for targeting small stubborn areas of fat, and you can zone in on a particular area of the body.

Body FX  helps tighten loose skin, destroy fat painlessly and helps to smooth cellulite. Using radiofrequency energy, deep tissue heating, and gentle suction, Body FX targets fat destruction, skin tightening and cellulite — all in one treatment! ⁣

We recommend weekly treatments to achieve optimal results (6-8 treatments).

To learn more about Body FX and SculpSure, or to book your free consultation, call us today.


What’s the difference between a chemical peel and a Green Peel?

Great question.

In addition to sloughing off dead skin cells, peels also even out skin tone, improve acne-prone skin, add hydration and glow to your skin.

Chemical peels cause intentional damage to the epidermis and/or dermis with the goal of stimulating new tissue to improve skin texture and tone.

The AlumierMD AHA Duo, BHA 20, and Renew30 are all AlumierMD Chemical Peels that can help treat various skin concerns all while giving you added glow and hydration.

The Original Green Peel is an organic, herbal, gentle, resurfacing skin treatment that treats acne, sun damage/pigmentation, lines/wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, enlarged pores, blackheads/milia/impure skin, and prematurely aged skin.

A blend of dried and crushed herbs are mixed into a paste and massaged into the skin. The skin will appear flushed and may feel warm. Over the next week or so, the herbs release vitamins, minerals, enzymes and trace elements into the skin, and begin to peel.

Have you tried a medical-grade peel? Why? Or Why not?

Do you have any questions about peels? Drop them below.


Exclusive NEW Treatment to Freedom Medi-Spa!

Exclusive to Freedom Medi-Spa!

We are so excited to be launching a brand new service...FormaNeedling!

FormaNeedling takes two amazing treatments we already love and combines them into one treatment for double the benefit in one visit.

Known to help boost collagen production while minimizing the look of fine lines, Forma is a non-surgical procedure that gives you lift and glow. ⁣It helps to tighten and contour the face and neck area. It also strengthens the delicate area around the eye.

Microneedling is a minimally-invasive procedure that creates micro-wounds in the skin using very fine needles, in order to stimulate collagen and elastin production. This procedure is most commonly used to help improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, and skin texture.

Put them together and you get beautiful, smooth, even skin tone/texture and plumpness with little-to-no downtime. We recommend a FormaNeedling treatment once per month for optimal results.


Single Treatment: Regular $475, NOW $399

Package of 4: Regular $1699, NOW $1499

To book your free consultation with treatment following, contact us. Promo pricing not valid with any other offer. Launch Pricing ends October 31.


2021 Sunscreen Report


Let’s get right to it, shall we? 

Not all sunscreen is created alike. As consumers, we must be diligent to research the sunscreen we are applying to our bodies, as well as our children’s bodies. As our skin is the largest organ, it will absorb what we apply – this is why understanding what’s inside our products is not only important but imperative for our safety. 

As more and more research is conducted on sunscreen, you are going to notice a real shift in what’s sold in stores and online. Just this week, studies in the US found Benzene in some popular sunscreens. We have already contacted Health Canada and will await a response to see if they will be conducting similar studies here.

As you have come to know, we will always remind you to apply sunscreen – every day – and if you’re exposed to the sun (beach, pool, park, golf, garden, etc), reapply liberally. While the safest way to reduce your sun exposure is to stay covered, it’s also a good idea to stay out of the sun during peak hours.

I’ll add a third rule here: opt for MINERAL or PHYSICAL sunscreens, not chemical ones. Mineral sunscreens sit on your skin. Look for active ingredients like Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide. These may go on a bit thicker (although they have come a long way), but they are the safest and the only ingredients that get a Green Light from me this year. 

To complicate this even further, the SPF on the label may not be 100% accurate. Studies state a mathematical equation (I know!) needs to be used to accurately calculate the actual protection factor. Zinc percentage is equal to 1.6 % coverage and Titanium Dioxide is equal to approx. 4% coverage. (Chemical sunscreens also have to be calculated, but require an in-lab sunscreen test.) The moral here: don’t entirely trust the number on the label. The higher the percentage of Zinc and/or Titanium Dioxide = the better.

While there are many sunscreens that make the RED LIGHT or AVOID list this year, it’s important to know why. If you see ingredients like Oxybenzone or Octinoxate, PUT IT DOWN. These ingredients have been known to cause cancer, as well, they are hormone disruptors. Further, if certain chemicals have high percentages, stay away. (ie. 10%+ of Homosalate is too high)

And finally, the moderate risk or CAUTION category: these are sunscreens that are still chemically based, but do not contain the 2 mentioned above. It’s best to use caution with these sunscreens and try and purchase a mineral sunscreen instead. 

If you have a mineral-based SPRAY sunscreen, you get a pass on the ingredient list, but a warning on type – there are still many debates on the efficacy of application with a spray sunscreen, as well as the particles that can end up in the air and into your lungs. If using a spray, only spray your body and hold your breath when you do, move away from that area, and then rub in the product. 

Here is the 2021 Freedom Med-Spa Sunscreen Report:


Summer 2021 Sunscreen Tips


Did you know sunscreen guidelines often change year over year?

It’s true. Thanks to new research and studies, as well as new products, it’s important to review sunscreen guidelines so you are being as safe as possible when it comes to sun protection for you and your family.

Here are our Top 10 Sunscreen tips for Summer 2021:

10. Avoid sunscreens that list alcohol as one of the first ingredients. It will likely be very irritating and drying.

9. Be wary of the word “organic”. They are called "organic" - because they contain carbon. All "organic"/ chemical filters are found in our bloodstream even up to weeks after an application. There is still so much unknown about what these organic/chemical filters can do in the body, and when combined together. It's best to avoid them.

8. Sprays: We understand the convenience, but we still don't know the effect of what these particles do when they accumulate in the lungs. If you must use a spray, hold your breath and move away to breathe afterward. Also: spray and then rub it in, so that you have proper coverage. Otherwise, it is likely a very uneven application.

7. Rule of thumb: apply 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon of SPF on your face and neck (back of neck and ears inc), daily. It feels like a lot, but you will get used to it and your skin will thank you! To ensure proper SPF coverage daily, don't forget to apply on your ears, feet/toes, back of the neck, etc. On your body, the guideline is 2oz or 4 tbsp. of sunscreen.

6. Men also need to be using SPF daily! If they are bald, they must apply to their entire head or wear a proper hat each day.

5. While driving, you can still get UVA damage. Wear SPF on your face, neck, and arms daily, if you are driving often.

4. Sunscreens may not really be the SPF you think they are! Therefore, a lot of the SPF ratings are actually inadequate. What does this mean? Apply and reapply often.

3. Did You Know: a 30 SPF filters 96.7% and a 60 SPF filters 98.3% — that means if you apply a generous amount of 30 SPF and reapply it vs. applying a thin layer of 60SPF and don’t reapply, you are going to have better protection with your 30!

2. What is GRASE? GRASE is an FDA rating and means Generally Accepted As Safe and Effective. This past year, the FDA removed all previously approved sunscreen filters except for 2: Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide. Look for sunscreens with these active ingredients.

1. While it may be inevitable to be in the sun, and while Vitamin D is good for you, the proper use of sunscreen is to PREVENT SUNBURN. If swimming or sweating, remember to re-apply more often than the 2-hour recommendation.

Do you have any sunscreen questions?


It All Started With a Spot

Warning: Graphic Images Below


It All Started

with a Spot

In 2016, Angie Gallo had a routine check-up with her family doctor. There, her doctor noticed a small brown spot on her big toe and suggested she have it checked by a dermatologist. 

The dermatologist wasn’t concerned, though, and told Angie – then 44-years-old --  to monitor any changes. The following year, her family doctor once again sent her to the same dermatologist, who, once again, told Angie there was nothing to worry about.

Fast forward to Fall 2020: More spots began to appear on Angie’s lower legs and a new spot on the arch of her foot. The initial spot on her toe remained. She was referred to another dermatologist. 

Months later, in February 2021 – mid-pandemic – Angie finally saw the second dermatologist, who, like the other, said everything looked fine. 

Angie wasn’t so sure. 

She pressed the dermatologist to take a second look, especially at a dark spot on the back of her calf. The doctor confirmed it was fine, but also agreed to do a quick biopsy to put her mind at ease.  

One week later, Angie got a call from the dermatologist.

Angie had melanoma. 


Freedom: What did the doctor say about your melanoma?

Angie: Well, the good news was my melanoma was actually “ melanoma in situ”, meaning it was In the top layer of skin only – stage 0. She agreed that she should biopsy the arch of my foot and the original spot on my toe – and by the beginning of March, they, too, came back positive for melanoma. I was booked for surgery April 6 at Mackenzie Health.

Freedom: Did you know what to expect?

Angie: Not really. I knew they would be removing tissue from the right toe, right sole, and right calf (Melanoma In-Situ). I had no idea they were planning on removing a significant amount of tissue surrounding the spots. The spots were approximately the size of a pea, but the areas removed were 1.5 - 2 inches in diameter!

They needed to remove a large area around the spot to ensure any "root" that may have formed would have been removed. Luckily, the Pathologist tested the areas and all were negative – the melanoma did not spread beyond the surface of the skin.

Freedom: What’s the recovery like? 

Angie: I was eager to get back to work and determined not to let this change my life. I used crutches because I couldn’t walk. I was in a lot of pain. I followed all the instructions from my surgeon but was still in significant pain. After 2.5 weeks, I returned to remove the stitches.

At her two-and-a-half week follow-up, while removing the stitches, Angie’s surgeon noticed the wounds weren’t healing. She was sent back home to allow the wounds to continue healing before the stitches could be removed.

On May 1, Angie went to the Emergency Room. The pain and swelling were very intense and an infection was forming. Angie was placed on IV antibiotics and was referred to the Urgent Care Centre’s wound care department. 

Angie: I had to go every day to clean the wound, which was so incredibly painful. They use a syringe with water to clean and disinfect the wounds. Then, they wrap it with a mesh - similar to that of a burn victim. I’ve been going daily, since May 4.

Angie was also treated with IV antibiotics from May 2 - 13th to clear the infection. 

Freedom: How are you today? 

Angie: I am now on oral antibiotics and continuing my daily treatments at the wound clinic. I’m also waiting for a referral to a melanoma specialist. I also had blood work and a CT scan done at Michael Garron Hospital, which has come back negative, aside from a few spots on the lungs they are going to monitor. I’ll return on December 14, 2021, for a repeat CT scan. 

Freedom: What do you want people to take away from your story? 

Angie: I want people to know that they always need to advocate for themselves. If I hadn't pressed the dermatologist in February to double-check, these spots could have grown deeper and could have metastasized to other parts.

I also learned a predisposition to melanoma is hereditary, and so my mother, sister and daughter need to get checked and be continuously monitored. 

Freedom: How can people protect themselves from melanoma? 

Angie: As we’ve all heard before, be Sun Safe. Sit in the shade where possible, cover up when you can, and when you can't, put sunscreen on everything that sees the sun! I was pretty good at applying sunscreen, but not great at reapplying. 

In my teens and twenties – even in my early 30s — I was not good to my skin. I enjoyed tanning and even tanning beds — definitely bad habits that have likely contributed to my melanoma diagnosis. 

Melanoma likes to grow in areas we are least likely to apply or reapply sunscreen -- like the ones on the arch of my foot and my big toe. 

Angie is on the road to recovery -- we hope and pray for her health and well-being, and thank her for generously sharing her story. We will continue to follow Angie and keep you updated on her recovery and her journey.

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Launching: Mother's Day Kits 2021!

It feels really great and exciting to be launching 3 brand-new kits, designed to treat and pamper any and every mom in your life (or yourself!).

Available in 3 price points, our Mini, Mega, and Magnificent Mama Kits celebrate mom and (we hope!) will allow her to take a much-deserved break.

To order a Mother's Day Kit, please shop online today! Curbside pickup and local delivery are available.

Without further adieu, our 3 Mother's Day Kits:


This Valentine's Day, Love Yourself

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Craving a quiet night at home this Valentine’s Day?! Yah, right.

Why not add some fun and self-care to your VDay plans at home — whether you’re flying solo or attached. After all, self-care and self-love go hand-in-hand!

We are so excited to introduce the FREEDOM LOVE collection — two kits designed to make you feel good and share the self-love.

The SINGLES KIT contains 7 self-care staples, including a 24K gold mask, re-usable cotton make-up remover pads and a GuaSha, that can be used and enjoyed multiple times. Perfect for the single gal or guy, or as a gift for your partner, parent or galentine. I mean, who wouldn’t love this kit!?

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Or, if you’re looking for a way to share the self-care experience with your partner, check out the COUPLES KIT which has two of most items, so you can treat yourselves at the same time. We’re confident you’ll make many memories along the way!

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The FREEDOM LOVE COLLECTION is available for purchase online or by calling 647-799-0400 or DM us on social media. Curbside Pickup and Local Delivery is available.


Announcing: NEW Med Spa @ Home Kits

When COVID-19 hit earlier this year, many of our clients approached us and asked how they could maintain their med-spa treatments from home.

In April, we launched our Med Spa @ Home, with our first at-home kit — the Anti-Aging Tool Kit. Since then, we’ve had requests for more specific kits that address targeted skin care concerns.

We are so excited to announce the expansion of our Med Spa @ Home Collection with 3 BRAND NEW KITS, specifically designed to treat your skin care concerns while complementing your proper skin care routine. Can’t get to the spa? These kits will help you in between treatments and contain medical-grade products you cannot find at the drug or beauty store.

Without further adieu, here they are:


For specifics on each kit and how to order, click below:

Introducing Ultimate Eye Corrector!

We are SO EXCITED to be introducing the Ultimate Eye Corrector Treatment to Freedom Medi-Spa!

We often get asked for specialty eye treatments — you ask, we deliver.  

 The Ultimate Eye Corrector is an ideal treatment to target a variety of eye-area concerns including:

- discolouration

- puffiness

- dark circles

- loose crepey skin

- fine lines/wrinkles

- laxity under the eye & eyelids

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As they say, the eyes are the windows to our souls. There aren’t many treatments that are safe enough to use around the eye. This treatment will help to improve and rejuvenate the entire eye area. 

The Ultimate Eye Corrector treatment is an anti-aging eye treatment, with vitamin A and polyhydroxy acids (act as AHA’s but are less sensitizing). This treatment rejuvenates the entire eye contour area. 

We recommend a series of 7 treatments — 5 weekly sessions, followed by 2 monthly maintenance sessions. 

The pkg. of 7: reg. $999. LAUNCH PROMO PRICING $899.  

The pkg. of 7: also includes a full-size eye cream for homecare. 


Interest-free payment plans or instalments are available. 


Call us 647-799-0400 or email to book your appointment.

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SculpSure or BodyFX?


If you’re looking to start a body contouring treatment, let’s do a quick comparison. Which one is for you?⁣

SculpSure uses a laser, which causes heat, intended to target fat and melt it away. It is designed for someone who has more than a pocket of fat to lose. The SculpSure applicators are belted onto the skin. Most clients need 2-3 SculpSure treatments/zone, spaced 6 weeks apart. After care is quite simple: we recommend massaging the area to continue to help expedite the elimination of the fat cells. We also recommend drinking a lot of water to help as well. Results can be seen as soon as 4 weeks post treatment. 

BodyFX uses radiofrequency and electroporation to help tighten skin, smooth cellulite, and target smaller pockets of fat. The highlight of BodyFX is its smoothing and shaping properties. The handheld device creates a vacuum and the radio frequency is delivered beneath the fat layer. Weekly treatments (8) are recommended. ⁣

If you’re interested in learning more, contact us to book your free consultation.


Are you experiencing “mask-face”? ⁣⁣

Are you experiencing “mask-face”? ⁣⁣

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Unfortunately, prolonged use of masks has been causing skin irritation, sensitivity, redness and acne in some of our clients. ⁣⁣
We’ve also seen some people with rosacea who have noticed flare ups. ⁣⁣
While wearing masks will be in our lives for a while longer, we have some tips to help with mask-face:⁣⁣
😷 Wear a clean mask every time; if you’re using reusable masks, make sure they’re clean and laundered ⁣⁣
😷 Skip your actives: if you’re going to be wearing a mask for hours on end, skip your daily actives, like vitamin c or retinol, which can cause additional sensitivity ⁣⁣
😷 Apply a thin layer of serum and moisturizer to keep your face hydrated ⁣⁣
😷 Schedule your services: schedule facial services the day you can go home and relax without a mask. ⁣⁣
😷 Take breaks: if you can, take breaks and allow your face to breathe ⁣⁣
If you need advice or help to select the right products or treatments to help mask-face, contact us.


Buy 2, Get 1 Free on Summer-Safe Peels

Let’s talk summer-safe peels!

Did you know you CAN safely have a chemical peel done in the summer?

Chemical peels cause intentional damage to the epidermis and/or dermis with the goal of stimulating new tissue to improve skin texture and tone.

The Alumier MD AHA Duo, BHA 20, and Renew30 are all AlumierMD Chemical Peels that can help treat various skin concerns all while giving you added glow and hydration.


Renew 30:

The most gentle and hydrating Alumier peel. Renew 30 is a 30% lactic acid formula that helps loosen dead skin cells to reveal brighter, plumper, more even- toned skin. Great intro peel and for those with sensitive skin.


This 20% glycolic acid peel helps with deeper exfoliation, combined with 10% lactic acid for brightening and hydration, Can be used in conjunction with other services and regular skincare routines.

BHA 20:

This peel is best for acneic, oily or congested skin. Uses 20% salicylic acid to penetrate the pore lining to exfoliate trapped sebum and debris, while reducing redness. 

While a fave of ours, Glow Peel combines salicylic acid, lactic acid and resorcinol and offers deeper penetration of product. Best to book the Glow in Fall, Winter and Spring months.


All AlumierMD summer-safe peels are BOGO — Buy 2, Get 1 Free until August 31, 2020. Treatments never expire, and peels are a great add-on to your treatment plan or skincare routine.

Get a head start on your fall skincare routine with these summer safe Alumier peels!



Book Your Body FX and Forma Treatments


As we mentioned last week, we are so excited to be now offering two new treatments at Freedom Medi-Spa!

BodyFX 360-degree Body Contouring is a Health Canada approved machine that targets fat destruction, skin tightening and cellulite — all in one treatment!

Forma Facial Skin Tightening treatments provide immediate benefits with NO DOWNTIME. Using radiofrequency, Forma treatments promote deep collagen production and repair, leaving you with an immediate glow and long term benefits. This is an extremely comfortable treatment – it feels like a hot stone massage!

Both BodyFX and Forma treatments can be paired and combined with other treatments. A series of treatments is recommended for maximum long term results.


Book your free Virtual Consultation or Call us today to purchase your Body FX and/or Forma Package with Launch Pricing*.

Promo Pricing valid until July 31, 2020. Interest-Free Payment Plans available.