The Original Green Peel
We are proud with the ability to treat our clients with Dr. Schrammek’s Original Green Peel.
The Original Green Peel is an organic, herbal, gentle, resurfacing skin treatment which treats acne, sun damage/pigmentation, lines/wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, enlarged pores, blackheads/milia/impure skin, and prematurely aged skin.
A blend of dried and crushed herbs are mixed into a paste and massaged into the skin. The skin will appear flushed and may feel warm. Over the next 2-3 days, the herbs are releasing vitamins, minerals, enzymes and trace elements into the skin. On day 3-4 the skin will start to peel.
On day 5-7, you will receive a follow up facial which will remove any remaining dead skin and leave the skin visibly improved, clearer and younger. Home care products, which are included in the treatment price, will cover any redness and most of the peeling effect as well.
Green Peel CLASSIC: $695
The original method by Dr. Christine Schrammek. The deepest and most intense of the three. Promotes skin regeneration, improves aging skin, tightening, acne scars, large pores, and offers a solution for a number of other skin concerns. (Note: The Classic includes 4 Retail size home care products and a follow up facial at 5-7 days post treatment). The video above outlines this procedure.)
Green Peel ENERGY: $240
Excellent for reducing the signs of premature skin aging. An effective curative treatment for skin with impurities, scars and hyperpigmentation.
Green Peel FRESH-UP: $175
An effective complexion refresher. This treatment offers rejuvenation and vitality for tired sluggish looking skin. Perfect treatment prior to a special occasion.
AlumierMD: The Science of Chemical Peels
Chemical peels cause intentional damage to the epidermis and/or dermis with the goal of stimulating new tissue to improve skin texture and tone. Chemical peels have been used dating back to Ancient Egypt.
Chemical peels improve skin texture and firmness, decreasing fine lines and wrinkles. Peels also even out skin tone, improve acne-prone skin and reduce pore size appearance. The strength of a chemical peel is determined by the type of ingredients used, their concentrations and the pH of the formulation.
Glow Peel