Laser Hair Removal
At Freedom Medi-Spa, we are very proud of our laser hair removal. We use a medical-grade laser, designed to target even the most stubborn hairs, cauterizing the papilla and removing the hair — for good.
With the Apogee Elite laser (Gold Standard Medical Grade Laser), we are able to treat all skin types including tanned skins without damaging the skin. The Apogee Elite has two laser machines in the one body. We are able to use the Alexandrite 755nm for lighter skins and permanently destroy even light brown hair (where other machines cannot). We often have clients come in to treat hair where another technician could not.
The Nd:YAG 1064nm, is able to treat darker skin types including tanned skins. However, no machine can treat hair that is lighter in colour then the skin. If you are a tanned individual and have medium to light brown hair, you will not fare well with the 1064nm. You would need to lighten your skin to very close to it's natural colouring.
Treatments should follow a fairly strict schedule to deliver the best result. Generally, facial treatments are 4-6 wks apart and body treatments are 6-10 wks apart.
Remember...Consultations are always complimentary. Call us to book an appointment to come in and discuss any concerns, have your questions answered, have a test patch done, and most importantly, see if you feel comfortable. Let us help you understand what makes us unique.