

We are very pleased and excited to be introducing two new technologies to Freedom Medi-Spa.

From the industry trusted and revered brand, InMode, clients at Freedom Medi-Spa will now be able to book BodyFX and Forma body contouring and facial treatments as early as next week!* 

(*due to Covid 19 protocols, we can only perform Forma treatments on the neck until Phase 3 is announced)

BodyFX is a long-lasting, non-invasive solution to reduce the unsightly appearance of cellulite. It helps to tighten loose skin and destroy fat painlessly. The treatment uses a combination of different clinically proven modalities including radio frequency energy, deep tissue heating, and gentle suction. The radio frequency energy distributes heat to the skin and underlying fat, causing the tissues to heat. The vacuum and controlled energy pulses then work synergistically to provide beautiful body results. 

Body FX treatments are customized and tailored to address your specific needs. We recommended weekly sessions performed over an eight week period to see optimal results. 

Forma, on the other hand, is non-invasive facial remodelling and uses radio frequency technology to provide optimal skin remodelling treatments to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, nasolabial fold lines, crepey skin area (including eye area), etc. Forma is suitable for all skin types, can be used on both the face and body and in conjunction with other treatments (laser, facials, etc). 

To be one of the first to try our new InMode technologies, contact us today for your FREE Consultation and Introductory Pricing!

All About AlumierMD Facial Sunscreen


It’s going to be another hot and SUNNY weekend!

A few weeks back, we talked about all the sunscreen on the market and what to look for when buying sun protection.

The same rules apply for picking sunscreen for your face, but it’s even more important. 

It’s no secret we love AlumierMD products, and especially their sunscreen. The active ingredients are simply Titanium Dioxide and Zinc, so you know you’re getting excellent protection minus the harmful chemicals. They also pack in some anti-aging ingredients, so you’re really doing double duty. AlumierMD products are safe for children 8+ and enjoyed by men and women alike. 

There are 4 different products to choose from:

Sheer Hydration Broad Spectrum Sunscreen SPF 40 (Untinted):  

This award-winning product is a silky and sheer physical sunscreen that provides powerful broad-spectrum protection against harmful UVA and UVB rays. It uses a combination of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide while moisturizing with vitamin E. This formula is also packed with free-radical-quenching antioxidants, including a stable vitamin C, resveratrol, grape seed extract, and glutathione. 

In terms of spreadability, this formula is thin and easy to massage into your skin. No colour.

Sheer Hydration Broad Spectrum Sunscreen SPF 40 (Versatile Tint): 

Similar to its sister (the Sheer Hydration Untinted), the Versatile Tint formula blends beautifully on the skin creating a sheer healthy glow. Similar to a BB cream, you can save time and use this product as your daily foundation for light coverage and glow. 

Clear Shield Broad Spectrum Sunscreen SPF 42: 

Another award winner, Clear Shield Broad Spectrum Sunscreen SPF 42 is a lightweight, non-comedogenic, quick-drying physical sunscreen. Niacinamide soothes and relieves redness and sodium hyaluronate hydrates. This is a favourite for every-day use. 

Moisture Matte Broad Spectrum Sunscreen SPF 40 (Available in 3 shades: Ivory, Sand, Amber): 

An innovative, broad-spectrum tinted 100% physical facial sunscreen with a matte finish. It can also double as your daily foundation. Moisture Matte lightly moisturizes to smooth and hydrate, while absorbing excess oil to create a matte finish. Cutting-edge, color-encapsulated beads blend on the skin, creating a sheer tint and healthy glow. It has a somewhat gritty texture at first, but once you work it into your face, the grittiness disappears to reveal the tinted glow. Moisture Matte also contains Antioxidants like caffeine, silybin and knotgrass extract to protect skin from UV-induced free radical damage. 

All AlumierMD Sunscreens are dye-free, paraben-free, sulphate free, phthalate-free, animal cruelty-free and artificial fragrance-free. To learn more, or to order, contact us for our code to the Alumier Online portal. 


Your Favourite Sunscreens Compared

Your Favourite Sunscreens Compared

We compared over 30 recognizable brands, identifying their active ingredients and potential hazardous ones. Use these cheat sheets when you’re purchasing your next sunscreen.

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What's In Your Sunscreen?

What's In Your Sunscreen?

There’s a lot of information out there when it comes to sunscreen. What do you put on your face versus your body?

Look for words and phrases like:

  • Broad Spectrum: it means it covers UVA and UVB rays

  • MINERAL-BASED/PHYSICAL: means it sits on your skin

  • Active Ingredients: what are they, and their percentages

  • SPF 30 (at minimum)

  • Be mindful of words like "organic", "natural"

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The Freedom Medi-Spa Anti-Aging Tool Kit

We are super excited to launch the Freedom Medi-Spa at-home Anti-Aging Tool Kit, designed to help you achieve med-spa-like results from home.

While we’re at home, it may be difficult to achieve spa-like results with ordinary products. That’s why we’ve specially curated 6 professional and award-winning products and treatments, so we can deliver the MedSpa to you, until we can see each other again.

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Top 5 Ways to Come Out of Self-Isolation Looking Better Than When You Went In

Top 5 Ways to Come Out of Self-Isolation Looking Better Than When You Went In

Since we closed our doors on March 18th, we have been working hard at helping you continue to look and feel fantastic from the comfort of your living room and in your PJ's. I realize the situation is less than ideal and scary, too, but I hope that these tips brighten your day and have you thinking of sunnier days ahead.

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Laser Scars - What Happened in Vancouver?

At Freedom Medi-Spa, we pride ourselves on using a medical-grade laser that is very powerful and can target even very light brown hair. One of the first questions we ask clients is about their sun exposure prior to laser treatment. A laser searches for pigment. We want to ensure the laser is searching for the pigment in your hair, and not your skin. If your skin is darker than your hair, the laser will target the skin and not the hair.

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We've Got Your 2020 Skin Care Goals Covered!

It's crazy to think it wasn't long ago we were wondering if the world was going to end at the stroke of midnight Jan 1, 2000.   

And here we are 20 years later.   

20 years.   

How did that go by so damn fast?!   

As I sit here thinking of my goals for 2020, I can't help but think of what the next decade will look like. I know it will go fast — so I figure, it's not a bad idea to think of long term goals too.   

So far, I have come up with the following goals.   

Don't laugh.   

They are very simple, even obvious/borderline boring, but I like that. I want them to be attainable and serve as a constant reminder.   

So here goes:  

  • Eat better - more plant-based and less sugar (Have you watched "Game Changers"? Yikes!)

  • Workout more - minimum 3 days/week

  • Less screen time - I have an awful habit of checking my phone for the sake of checking it. 

  • Be more present - be fully involved in conversations and most importantly with my kids

  • Make more time for friends and family

  • Meditate 

  • Book in white space - setting aside time to sit and think about dreams, goals and how to reach them

  • Read a lot more! I think I read 2 books last year. :( 

  • Strive for a better work/life balance.

  • Stop multi-tasking - stay focused 

  • Age reverse - I will be 47 this month. I don't want to look it or feel it.   

What the heck is age reversing? It's exactly that: cheating your genetics, your sun-worshipping history, the nights you didn't wash your face before bed.   

Here is my age reversing plan — in case you're curious.

I started in December with an Intracel treatment. Intracel is micro-needling with radio frequency. Basically, the radio frequency causes micro damage beneath the skin, triggering a repair response, thereby stimulating collagen production to the entire area. This helps with lines, wrinkles, skin laxity, large pores, acne scars, and overall a beautiful resurfacing.

Next up on the age reversal train is a PRP aka Vampire facial. In the next week or two, I plan to have a PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma) treatment. This is where your own blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge and spun. The blood separates the plasma - the golden liquid. This liquid gold is then reinjected (by needle for much better results), into the face, neck (even scalp for hair loss). The growth factors in the plasma help to rejuvenate the skin - again stimulating collagen and repair.

In February, I plan to do a Green Peel. Green Peels are also fantastic for collagen stimulation and skin resurfacing. The organic herbs used, remain in the skin for the next few hours (Fresh-Up), days (Energy) or even weeks (Classic) and continue to stimulate collagen and repair. 

"Choo choo", train still going…. I plan to do another Intracel treatment with PRP to follow in the spring and maintain with Microneedling throughout the Summer. 

I am also religious with my skin care routine, but more on that in my next blog post. I’ll also keep you up-to-speed on my results with these treatments, so stay tuned! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and be sure to watch our stories for updates. I'm so excited!!

It’s important to note that everyone’s treatment plan is different. What works for me may not be right for you. It all depends on what your concerns are, what condition your skin is in and what your skin goals are.   

If you have skin care goals for 2020 - we are here to help! Our January promo just might be exactly what you need to get off to a great start towards having the best skin of your life! Ok, maybe since you were a teen? 25? 35?   

Well, let's just say we’re working towards the best skin possible! Remember: your face is your number one accessory - take GREAT care of it! (Don't forget to use your daily SPF no matter what the weather is).  

Please share your skin care goals with us. We'd love to hear about them and see if we can help.   

Cheers to a wonderful, 2020.


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What the Heck is a Vampire Facial?

P.R.P. aka The Vampire Facial (I promise, it’s not as scary as it sounds.)

 Have you heard of The Vampire Facial? Maybe seen some photos on Instagram? The trend has been around for a few years now, and with good reason.

 Platelet-Rich Plasma, commonly known as P.R.P., is a fantastic way to combat aging skin. It has been used in orthopedics for years now -- helping to heal joint injuries. After seeing the results they realized the growth factors in our plasma can help heal many things, including helping with skin rejuvenation and hair restoration.

 Yes I know it sounds scary! But, it really is a simple treatment. 

 First, we numb your face and neck (or scalp if you are doing hair restoration). Next is the blood draw. We draw a vial of blood from you. It is placed in the centrifuge where it is spun, in order to separate the plasma (that golden liquid). The plasma is then drawn into tiny syringes and reinjected into the areas we want to rejuvenate. 

 Our plasma has growth factors in it. These growth factors help to produce and repair collagen. In doing so, the skin becomes more youthful. It looks healthier, lines are less noticeable as are scars and large pores. It also helps to improve the thin skin under the eyes. 

 As you have learned this month, there are many different treatments available to help with rejuvenation. I don't believe there is any one answer for anyone. I think a mix of different treatments in your personal treatment plan will yield the best results. 

 I had this treatment done a while ago and I am definitely overdue for another. I really enjoyed the results and felt that I saw fairly immediate results (within a month) with even just one treatment. You can watch my PRP treatment below.

To learn more about PRP and find out if you are a good candidate, book a complimentary consultation. We are here to help you reach your skin care goals.


Intracel - The 98,000 Needle Facial

If learning about micro-needling in last week's blog didn't scare you off — then continue reading :). Intracel is basically micro-needling with radio frequency (RF), although this tip uses 49 insulated micro-needles. By adding RF, Intracel increases collagen and elastin production tenfold.

Think of it as a micro-needling treatment in overdrive!

Radio Frequency treatments have become the gold standard for stimulating collagen in the deeper layers of the skin. Which in turn help to treat:

  • Lines/wrinkles

  • Large pores

  • Acne scars

  • Skin laxity

  • Tone/texture

Most RF technologies heat the skin from the outer layers (epidermis) in hopes to reach the dermal layers. They aren't able to deliver the same amount of RF to the area that is most effective. This is why the Intracel's patented technology is so key. Intracel, combines THERMAL Micro-Needling with RF. With its patented thermal needling system the epidermis (top layer of your skin) is spared as the RF is only delivered to the exposed .3mm of the needle tip.  Therefore ALL the RF is delivered exactly where we want it. This allows for maximum results with little to no downtime.


That is really what you want to know, right?

I realize how scary a 98,000 needle facial sounds, but it's really not so bad. I have had the treatment done as well and while I don't enjoy it, I would say it's uncomfortable but not painful. We apply numbing cream to the skin prior to treatment. Some areas are more sensitive than others, but overall it's manageable. If you are treating a body area - there is really no pain at all.

In a nutshell, Intracel is the most favourable treatment (outside of surgery), to help with both age prevention and age reversal. It truly helps with rejuvenation and resurfacing without the downtime of most other technologies.

If you are curious and want to learn more, read this past blog on What To Expect During Your Intracel Treatment: Link


Micro-Needling - What is it? And why on earth would I want it?

Great question! Micro-needling is exactly that - a facial treatment using micro (tiny) needles. These tiny needles create cone shaped micro wounds all over your face and neck (also used on stretch marks and other areas of the body). Believe it or not, the epidermis (that top layer of skin you see when you look in the mirror), is left intact and beneath that layer is where the magic happens. By causing microtrauma, the body goes into repair mode. Our growth factors are awoken, cell turnover is stimulated and collagen and elastin are produced. This is our goal. By producing more collagen and elastin we are literally able to Turn Back Time (insert Cher singing here). This treatment is great for both age prevention as well as reversal. The result? Micro-needling eases the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars and large pores. It also improves skin laxity, overall tone, texture and appearance.

Another benefit to micro-needling is the increased penetration of a sterile* hyaluronic acid serum which is commonly used in these treatments. Hyaluronic acid (H.A.) is fantastic at working as a natural filler. H.A is naturally produced in our bodies to keep our cells hydrated and healthy. As we age this production slows down. H.A. draws moisture from the air constantly, helping your cells to absorb and retain more moisture so your skin will appear plumper - naturally filling those annoying lines, wrinkles and helping with loose skin.

Overall micro-needling is a minimally invasive treatment with the benefits outweighing most other technologies - including lasers for tightening and age reversal. There is very little that can go wrong when you are treated with an experienced and knowledgeable medical esthetician. With a series of sessions the skin looks much healthier and more youthful.

*It is important to note that any serum used on the skin during a micro-needling treatment must be both sterile and approved for use with a micro-needling device. It is unsafe to simply use a product off the shelf. Specific, sterile serums that have been tested and approved for micro-needling use are the only serums that should be used. You will notice our H.A. is prepackaged in a syringe and is a medical grade concentrate.

To learn more or to find out if you are a good fit for Micro-Needling call us 647-799-0400 or email us to book a free consultation. We look forward to helping you reach your skin care goals.


Do you want to be hair free for Summer 2020?

WhatsApp Image 2019-09-09 at 9.39.43 PM.jpeg

This is what 21 years of not having to shave looks like. Do you know how awesome it is to be able to throw on a skirt anytime? Or go for a swim or hot tub without having to worry about last minute prep?

 You are likely a part of one of two camps. You've either tried laser hair removal and it didn't work well for you or you still haven't tried it because you are scared of all that you have heard about it.

 If you have tried it and it hasn't worked, it is likely because it was not done with a medical grade laser.  If you say yes to any of the following, you're treatments were not done with a laser.

  • You had to wax the area prior to treatment. (This is my personal favourite - absolutely ridiculous. The laser needs to see the roots).

  • You had a treatment every 4 weeks for a body area or every 2-3 weeks for the face (way too soon - there should not be regrowth at that time).

  • It's painless.

  • You had a full body treatment done in less than an hour.

  • You paid what someone would pay for a waxing appointment.

I like to save money too. However, I have learned that there are certain things worth paying for. For example, after my cheap no brand name kitchen catcher broke on route to the garage, and there was gross, wet garbage all over the floor - I knew I'd always by Glad bags. After using cheap no brand paper towel - I needed an entire roll to absorb a small spill - I knew I'd buy Scotties or Bounty. I won't even talk about cheap toilet paper! LOL!

 This is why we have people that come from all over for laser hair removal. They too have learned the cost of low priced treatments and would rather save time and money in the long run. We produce the best results possible. That sounds bold and even cocky - but it's the truth. I have been doing laser for over 24 years now. Yes that is a long time! (I started at 12). This is an industry that you truly get what you pay for. If you only compare price you will be disappointed in your results.

 Why is treatment with a medical grade laser more expensive? A medical grade laser comes with high maintenance costs. They are intricate machines and require more care. Both parts and labour come with a very high price tag.

 Here's my suggestion. First of all, book a consultation at 3 different clinics. Make sure they each provide a patch test as well. Have them explain the procedure and the expectations. Then ask yourself a few questions…

  1.  Do you feel comfortable at this clinic and with this technician?

  2. Do you feel confident that they know what they are talking about?

  3. How does your test patch look? If you have medium - dark brown hair, you should see little dark dots that look singed.

  4. Have they taken the time to answer all your questions? Or do you feel rushed?

Still on the fence? Book those consultations and you'll feel much better about starting treatment. Being hair free is the most amazing feeling. I have been hair free for over 21 years! When done properly - it is the best money you'll ever spend.


We are very excited to launch the first and only Health Canada approved BB Glow treatment in Canada.

The struggle against fine lines, uneven skin tone, and breakouts can seem like a never-ending battle, but it’s one we all struggle with. Age, hormones, our diet, UV rays and more can all impact the health and vibrancy of our skin. Using cover up only masks these conditions and is a short-term solution at best. If you're tired of dealing with any of these skin issues, perhaps our latest addition to the Freedom service menu - the BB Glow - is your solution.

BB Glow treatments use mesotherapy to infuse an effective formulation of hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and titanium dioxide. This is a fantastic year round treatment to help lighten and brighten the skin. It is great for targeting hyper-pigmentation, uneven skin tone, and even melasma (hormonal pigmentation).

Buyer beware! Most BB Glow treatments are NOT Health Canada approved. They are actually infusing pigment into the skin to give that tanned look - permanently. This is extremely dangerous and is not recommended.

Watch our latest video shoot with our guest Patricia Curto from @Vaughanmoms. See her BB Glow treatment in action. Comment below with any questions.


July's Skin Care Challenge

Happy Birthday Canada!

YES! July 1st is here! How are you kicking off Summer's arrival?  We have been enjoying some family time up north at the cottage. Definitely a few beverages and a plenitude of meals have been had. Afterall what's Canada Day without a cider (I'm not a beer fan), and a burger?

Everything in moderation, right? On that note, I have decided to take the Peloton 30 day fitness challenge. Basically I've committed myself to doing some sort of workout each day for the next 30 days. Now I figure I can enjoy the weekend festivities guilt free. ;)

This challenge got me thinking... Why not a skin care challenge? People tend to get lazy with their skin care routine, facial treatments and....I know it's awful but it's true - sunscreen! So I decided to start our own Freedom July Skin Care Challenge.

This challenge will show you how a good skin care routine can and will change your skin and have you looking and feeling your best. The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is simply this…

  1. You commit to using a proper skincare regime morning and night (yes including washing your face every night).

  2. You wear a daily broad-spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen of 30+.

…We also recommend you have a Summer Safe facial treatment sometime during the Month of July (a quick consultation prior to treatment will determine which treatment is best for you).

2 easy steps to amazing looking skin (3 if you up your game and have a treatment). You can do this! Some of you are already great at it (that is why you look fantastic).

Let us help you get past your excuses. Things we often hear:

  • I don't have a great skin care routine.

    • Call us at 647-799-0400 or email us and we can help put one together for you to either pick up or we can help you with an online order that will ship to you for FREE.

  • I can't spend much money right now.

    • We want to help you out. We are offering 10% off a single service or 15% off a package (including custom treatment plans)

  • I don't have the time to do all those steps in the morning.

    • Are you sure? Do you brush your teeth each morning? (I hope you said yes) :). Well that is all the time it takes to do "all those steps". Cleanse, tone (our Alumier cleanser is a two in one), eye cream, serum, moisturizer, SPF (we also have a moisturizer with SPF). So if you're really pressed for time, you can narrow it down to 4 products (with our two in ones). It won't take more than two minutes - three if you're slow.

  • I am too tired before bed.

    • Are you that person? The one that just falls into bed without washing their face? I'll bet you brush your teeth though (again, I hope so). You're already at the sink! Splash that water on your face and you will wake up just enough to finish your 2 minute routine - your skin (and pillowcase) will thank you. Then you'll go to bed and your skin can do the overnight repair work it needs to do while at rest.

Ready to ditch the excuses and get on the right track? Do this with us for the month of July. Be diligent. Your refection will be your reward. You will feel more confident and look radiant…and then you'll be hooked. :)

Still not enough inspiration? You could WIN A FREE FACIAL TREATMENT VALUED AT UP TO $350!

Draw will be held on August 1st.

You have until July 5th to register.

How to collect entries for the draw….

  • 1 entry for registration (just reply to this email or DM us on FB or Instagram)

  • 1 entry for every time you touch base with us throughout the challenge. Message or DM us each week to let us know you are still on track (maximum 4 entries).

  • 3 entries for each post or story you share on social (FB & Instagram).

So? Will you take the Freedom Skin Care Challenge?

Winner will be announced on social on August 1st.

Now go rock your routine!


Susy's SculpSure Journey

When Susy came to us, she was tired of working out, eating healthy and not noticing much change in her stubborn abdominal area. She had had 2 kids and her body didn't seem to want to get back to her pre-pregnancy shape. When she learned about SculpSure, she knew she wanted to try it. It took a while to build up the courage to actually book the appointment. It's one thing to look at yourself in the mirror and not like something, but it's another to reveal it to others! When I spoke to her after her treatments were completed, she told me that she felt comfortable with us from day one. Her apprehension melted away as soon as she began her consultation. That is important. You don't want to go somewhere and feel like a number - especially when you are literally and figuratively "naked"!

When she came in for her second treatment, she wasn't sure if she noticed much difference. We reassured her that you do need two treatments and then you need to wait 12 weeks for the full results. The fat cells need to work their way through the lymphatic system and be excreted by means of our regular elimination processes. This takes some time - approx 12 weeks.

At her last appointment, which was a quick follow up where we shot her final photos, she said she did notice a difference in how her clothes fit, and saw a difference in her flanks (love handles), but wasn't sure how much of a difference. Again, because the results are not instant, we forget how we looked and felt before. The body is changing slowly, so it's difficult to realize. When she saw her before and after pictures she was impressed. It did contour her belly (abs and flanks) nicely. She was extremely pleased.

SculpSure is a great option for those who are at, or close to, their ideal weight. It's for those stubborn pockets of fat that just won't go with diet and exercise. It is not a get thin quick, magical device. It helps to destroy that top stubborn layer of fat.

If you are frustrated with your body shape and you don't have much weight to lose, this could be your solution.

Remember all of our consultations are free.


Your Personalized Skin Care Treatment Plan Awaits...

It seems we have been keeping a secret from you. We have been providing personalized treatment plans for quite some time - but we haven't been promoting the service. I guess the start of a new year is as good time as any to get the word out! If one of your goals for 2019 is to have great looking skin - then read on!

Many of our packages (i.e. Microdermabrasion Facials, Micro-Needling treatments, Peels, etc.) complement each other and will help you achieve your ultimate skin care goals. Therefore, it's best they be combined for a personalized treatment plan. We'll assess what your skin needs and work with you to put together a plan of action. No single treatment is usually the answer. The skin responds best to a series of different skin care treatments which all target different aspects of care. Added bonus - you save money! You will save up to 20% on a 6 month treatment plan and 15% on products.

Here's an example of a personalized skin care treatment plan for a client targeting signs of aging and sun damage….

  • January - Mini Microdermabasion & Photo Facial (sun damage and/or broken capillaries)

  • February - Green Peel - Energy (mid-level resurfacing without much downtime)

  • March - Micro-Needling (almost no downtime)

  • April - Alumier Glow Peel

  • May - Micro-Needling

  • June - Intracel (Micro-Needling with radio frequency)

Clients who follow a treatment plan have amazing looking skin. We love hearing about how much more confident they feel. It's a great feeling for us too!

Here are some common questions:

Do I need to book 1 treatment per month? No.

Do I need to pay for the entire package up front? No. You pay a deposit to secure the package, then we set you up with regular payments based on the treatment schedule.

Do I have to spend a lot of time on this? The short answer - No.

The long answer….No. Most treatments are approx. 1 hour in length and in terms of post care at home - we recommend you follow a proper am/pm regime. It really does make a difference in maintaining your results and nourishing your skin. Your face is battling the elements each day - you want to nourish as well as protect it.

Is there any downtime? Can I go to work the next day? Most often you are fine the next day. Each treatment has some minimal downtime we will go through all the details and home care at your initial consultation as well as prior to each treatment.

How do I start? Book a free consultation with one of our medical estheticians and learn about what treatment plan would be suitable for you, your skin type and your budget. Then we get you started on the road to amazing skin!

Remember your skin is your best accessory! Take good care of it.


Do You Care?  #selflove #selfcare

You may have noticed our new tag line.

because confidence is sexy

Microdermabrasion image.jpg

Confidence is truly so sexy, don't you think? We all know those people who are super confident and command attention for various causes/reasons like Oprah, Angelina Jolie, Madonna and of course the Kardashian's. Having turned 45 this year and noticing a few more lines and grey hairs popping up, I find myself looking for more. How do we embrace our age and what comes (or goes) with it? Oh don't you worry, I am still all about fighting a good fight with mother nature. I still believe in feeling good in our skin and drinking from that fountain of youth. However, I started feeling like there must be more. So I thought I would take a deeper dive into what Real Confidence means.

Real Confidence (after reading and following many experts on the subject), I believe, is the ability to love ourselves - with flaws and all. Body image, self-love… we're such hypocrites aren't we? We tell our young girls that they should love themselves and be comfortable in their own skin, yet we follow Kylie Jenner on Instagram and buy the latest People magazine with all the (so called) "beautiful" celebrities on the cover. Believe me, I struggle with this myself. I work in an industry known for its superficial approach to "beauty". So who am I to blog about this? I guess because I struggle with it so much, I wanted to share my thoughts. I have amazing clients and professional contacts and we talk about this often. What I come back to over and over again is "what makes you feel good"? Not "what do you think you should look like/do/eat, etc?"

No matter what body you're in, or what reflection is staring back at you in the mirror, we all find flaws. Even Kylie Jenner has things about herself she doesn't like. Yes, even the perfect looking Kylie Jenner! (You can read about her post pregnancy insecurities here). I think that should be a lesson to us all. What we actually look like has little bearing on our self confidence. So many of us think when we see someone with a great body, a nice car and designer clothes on - they must be so happy and confident. They are living the perfect life! Wrong. Many people feel the need to surround themselves with expensive clothes and toys when they are looking for happiness. Don't get me wrong, I love all those things too! (Who doesn’t?) However, they don't make us happy. True happiness comes from within. That is the true pot of gold.

Social media is another contributor chipping away at our confidence levels. We see perfectly filtered faces and happy faces painted throughout our newsfeed. I would love for each person to post their lowest moment of the week as well as the happy times. If we could actually see everyone's low moments, we'd realize that we are all just real people who have good and bad times like everyone else. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think people should post “poor-me” pictures to drum up sympathy, rather just share some of the usual crap we deal with so we can laugh it off or deal with it in a more positive way. Our 14 year old dog, Laverne, has had diarrhea for 2 days - believe me that has not been fun! I'll hold off on any posts about that though. The point is we all have shit to deal with - literal or not. :), celebrity or not, millionaire or not.

So how do we learn to love ourselves? How do we see our flaws and embrace them? I don't really have an answer and I am most definitely no expert on the subject, however, I will share what helps me feel confident. I do my best to stay in shape, to be healthy and show my 2 preteen girls that it's important to be active. I try (I could use to try harder) to make healthy food choices. I feel so empowered when I make better choices, in all aspects of my life. Working out is probably the most empowering thing I do for myself. Whether it's a bike ride, going to my boot-camp classes at hourglass, or even going for a walk with my dogs, I feel stronger and that feeds my confidence. Also, I have always found that wearing clothes that I feel good in, makes me feel confident. They don't need to be name brand or be expensive either. They just need to suit me and feel comfortable. You'll usually find me in jeans whenever possible. I do love my jeans!

How about Aging? This one is a tough one. I struggle with this a bit. I am part of a very vain industry, but I do not consider myself a vain person. I believe we should all take care of ourselves which includes our faces. Our faces need a lot of love as they are always exposed to the elements. Both skin care treatments and great home care products are so important to both protect and nourish our skin. I also believe that if we can do treatments that help us to feel more confident, then why not?

My goal with each client is to help them feel more confident. If getting rid of a sun spot, broken capillary or unwanted hair helps, then let's do it!

In closing, I think Real Confidence is:

  • Taking good care of yourself - some sort of exercise, proper skin care regime and eating healthy;

  • Choosing to be positive - positive energy is so contagious;

  • Being kind and respectful of others (and to Yourself!);

  • A style. Yes, find a style you like to wear. How you like to project yourself. Kind of like choosing a book cover. (I have a few versions of myself);

  • A calm, pleasant vibe - your smiling inside. You know who you really are. (most of the time) ;)

Remember, no one feels these things all of the time. We all have our weak moments - we just have to get right back up. How? Well, I am no expert on this - this is a new journey for me too! However, I will share some wisdom from some amazing experts that have inspired me.

This article by Nitika Mor on Self-Love, is short and to the point. I love this article. This is what self-love is really about. Enjoy!

This article by Ellen Bard is AWESOME! Be sure to implement a few of the tips for self-care for mind, body and soul. They are creative and fun and I am excited to try them all! I've checked a few off so far, but turning them into habits is the real challenge. I know you will enjoy this!

Also, be sure to follow my good friend, cousin and the person who started me on this journey, inadvertently, funnily enough - Michella Menolascina. Michella will be hosting an evening with us later this fall speaking about self-love. Stay tuned!

And finally, I’d like to hear from you on what Real Confidence means to you.  Please comment below or in person when you visit us.  Let’s share our own thoughts/best practices.


My First Micro-Needling Experience

Micro-Needling has become super popular but as most of you know, I don't like to jump on the band wagon until I see proof. I researched it and learned more about the benefits and I had to admit it was impressive.  The next natural step was to have a treatment done, so off I went. I had a treatment done by a medical esthetician friend of mine in T.O.  It really wasn't bad at all.  I was quite red after, and you cannot wear makeup nor anything with a tint for a minimum of 12 hours afterwards.  The next day, I was only a little pink and my AlumierMD Moisture Matte SPF with tint covered it. 

Although I have had a few Intracel treatments (which is micro-needling plus radio frequency), I was still a little apprehensive as to what to expect.  I have to say this treatment was a walk in the park.  I absolutely LOVED it!  Sure, when you hear about needles being involved (no matter how "micro") it still brings on a cringe type reaction.  I really miss the days when a facial was relaxing!  Hello 40's!  No more relaxing facial treatments, nope, now we opt for a facial treatment that is going to show us some kind of result.  We target pigment, lines/wrinkles, sagging, pock marks - something we want to get rid of.  That is likely the reason micro-needling has quickly become an extremely popular service in the med spa world, as it helps with all of the above.  How?  Easy.  By creating micro wounds in the epidermis/dermis (that’s the outer layer and deeper layer of the skin) the skin goes into repair mode. It believes the area has had trauma and needs to be repaired.  This is when we begin to see results. Our collagen and elastin production is stimulated during this process therefore producing more of it.  Seeing as we don't produce much as we get older, this kind of gives it a kick in the butt.  Sort of like re-booting your computer.  

Intracel is the Queen of stimulating collagen production and reversing the signs of aging - but it is expensive, it is a longer treatment and there is a little more downtime (compared to none with this treatment).  Ok I mentioned downtime - so…yes, you are a little pink afterwards and you can be into make-up in 24 hours.  Other than that, really there isn't any.  If you tend to stay red longer than most after any treatment, then the same would be true here.  

As with anything, a consultation is your best bet.  However, micro-needling is one of those treatments you would/could do at any time, even with a slight tan, and it is worked into most treatment plans.  So, you can't go wrong.  

As for me - this is my new true love!  I love that you are done in less than an hour, you look completely fine the next day, and you can wash, rinse, repeat in 3-4 weeks for amazing results.  Insert Cher with "If I Could Turn Back Time"…. And if you don't know who Cher is - you don't need micro-needling yet.  Go back to enjoying your relaxing facials. ;)

Check out a super short video of my treatment here.


Sunscreen….Yes Here We Go Again!

I know you are so sick of me bringing it up - but yes, I am going to bug you about your daily (that's right I said daily) SPF. I am also going to remind you to only use broad spectrum (UVA/UVB), mineral based sunscreen with a minimum of 30spf. That's right, and you probably remember me saying you should reapply every 2 hours of being out in the sun, and to stay in the shade where possible - and wear a hat.  See you know all this stuff!  So why aren't you doing it?   "I'm so pale.", or "I need a little colour"… are NOT good reasons!  

May is Melanoma awareness month.  Melanoma is that ugly skin cancer monster that none of us want to even think about.  Many don't realize that it can be fatal - mainly because it usually presents itself as a small mole or blemish and seems harmless, until it's not. Please remember to check your spots periodically yourself and once a year with a dermatologist - especially if you are at high risk.  

Who is at high risk?*

  • People with fair skin
  • Those with a history of sunburns (even just 1 bad burn)
  • People with excessive UV exposure (sun, tanning beds, etc)
  • Living close to the equator or high elevation
  • Those with many moles (over 50)

What to look for.*
To help you identify characteristics of unusual moles that may indicate melanomas or other skin cancers, think of the letters ABCDE:

  • A is for asymmetrical shape. Look for moles with irregular shapes, such as two very different-looking halves.
  • B is for irregular border. Look for moles with irregular, notched or scalloped borders — characteristics of melanomas.
  • C is for changes in color. Look for growths that have many colors or an uneven distribution of color.
  • D is for diameter. Look for new growth in a mole larger than 1/4 inch (about 6 millimeters).
  • E is for evolving. Look for changes over time, such as a mole that grows in size or that changes color or shape. Moles may also evolve to develop new signs and symptoms, such as new itchiness or bleeding.

Cancerous (malignant) moles vary greatly in appearance. Some may show all of the changes listed above, while others may have only one or two unusual characteristics.
What do we do to prevent melanoma? Good question.  We don't truly know for certain what causes it.  We know that UV radiation exposure definitely increases our chances - but in some cases the melanoma has grown in areas that don't usually see the sun - Yes, literally "where the sun don't shine"!  

So now what?  The Top 5 Ways to Protect Yourself….

  • Avoid being out in the sun for prolonged periods between 10-4pm (stop rolling your eyes, I didn't make this up)
  • Wear your UVA/UVB broad spectrum sunscreen daily (number 1 protection against skin aging)
  • Wear a broad rimmed hat when out in the sun (extra protection for that beautiful face)
  • AVOID Tanning beds/lamps (seriously people it's not cool anymore)
  • Buy a great pair of sunglasses that offer UV protection too
  • Oh 1 more!  Remember to reapply your sunscreen 30+ every 2 you're in the sun 

Need help choosing a sunscreen?….Check out our video.

Special thank you to Julia Suppa from Suppa Media for her help and expertise with our video.  @simplysuppa

* Mayo Clinic  


The Green VS Glow Peel Challenge

You may recall last fall we ran a Green vs. Glow Peel Challenge.  We asked a few of those who took part, which peel they preferred. Well, apparently that was a difficult choice! They really couldn't entirely decide. Most liked both for different reasons, but we made them choose one.  Here are the results and a few testimonials….
Glow Peel  - 54%
Green Peel - 46%
Why Peel?  
A peel is a great way to get rid of that dull, dry layer of skin that as we age, takes it's sweet time to exfoliate on its own.  In our younger years, our skin naturally regenerates itself.  As we age, we need to help it along.  Peels help us do just that.  There are many different types of peels which focus on different things.  Our favourites and most popular are the Green Peel and the Glow Peel.  There are different levels of each.  If you have never tried a peel, we would recommend you start with a light peel and see how you and your skin do.  
How to Choose a Peel
The easiest way?  Book a free consultation and see what peel would meet your needs.  It really does depend on how sensitive your skin is, what events you may have coming up, what treatments you've done in the past and a biggie - what your definition of "downtime" is. Some clients are willing to peel for days to get an amazing result - while others want to peel as lightly as possible (or not at all)!  
What to Expect
Peeling.  With a medium to intense peel, you will PEEL.  However, if you keep the skin hydrated afterwards - no one will really notice.  On day 3/4 you will peel the most.  We always recommend you bring your aftercare cream with you everywhere you go, and keep slathering it on throughout the day as needed.  After day 5, enjoy that beautiful glowing skin!  And for heaven's sake take good care of it!  Daily 40+SPF people!  YES! Even in the Winter, even when it's a gray day, even in the rain!  The harmful, aging UVB rays are still looking for you - even when it's overcast and gloomy.  
We have amazing facial sunscreens that you will love - just ask us about them. 




Green Peel - Energy (medium)

I did do both the Green and the Glow peel. They are both great treatments and as usual, I feel that everything done is customized to my needs and skin type/age/condition. If I have to choose, I choose the Green Peel.
— Janice, Richmond Hill

Green Peel - Classic (deep peel)

Both treatments made a huge difference to my face. I loved green peel . The way my face peeled and the way my scars went away was nice to see. I noticed a huge difference in my skin. I also loved glow peel but I think I prefer green peel since my skin needs more intense treatment. I have booked one more session for green peel and I can’t wait to see more results. Thank you very much for helping me find a treatment that is suitable for my acne scars and face.
— Nahleen, Brampton

Glow Peel

I really like both treatments, they seemed to have similar results. When I had the green peel I felt my skin looked great and lasted for a few months. With the GLOW Peel - my skin felt softer/smoother, and still glowing a month later. My preference is the Glow Peel. I like my skin tone and feel like I look more youthful with this one.
— Susy, Nobleton

Glow Peel

I found both treatments were effective in cleaning up some of skin’s imperfections, my skin definitely felt better, smoother, cleaner, etc. I found that the Green Peel facial hurt a bit (the scrub part) but nothing too bad. I really loved the Alumier MD Glow Peel. I peeled for days after this peel and my skin was definitely glowing. I almost felt like I had a bit of a tan afterword’s, a little colour!
— Nadia, Woodbridge

Glow Peel

I really like both! I love the Glow Peel because I walked out of there with an Amazing Glow. My skin felt tight and although it stung during the process the after was not painful at all. I peeled approx 3-4 days later. With the Green Peel I feel I’ve had a really good exfoliation. This one didn’t give me a shiny glow but more of a clean fresh face. While this one didn’t sting during, It was a bit more uncomfortable after though. Feeling a bit hot and flush and stingy upon touching. I peeled 3-4 days later as well.
I really don’t know which I prefer. Green Peel is natural so I love that part. The Glow had no down time and I loved my tight Glow right after! If I had to choose it would be the Glow.
— Angie, Richmond Hill

Green Peel - Energy (medium)

I find that with the glow peel I got more compliments on my skin. I still enjoy the green peel as I feel it pulls toxins from deep in the skin. I also enjoy the Dr. Schrammek after care products better. I peeled about equal with each one but I did feel more glowing with the glow peel. Since the glow peel is a chemical peel and the green peel is all natural I prefer the natural products of the green peel. I’m sure I will incorporate both peels into my skin care program depending on what my skin needs at each given time.
— Adrianna, Woodbridge