How to Prep for Your Medical Spa Appointment

Congratulations on booking yourself in for some well-deserved self-care and rejuvenation. If this is your first time at our medi-spa, or if you’ve been here before, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide on how to prep, to ensure you make the most of your experience:

  1. Understand the Procedure You’re Booked In For: Whether your booked in for a treatment or you’re coming in for a consultation, feel free to ask as many questions as you need so you understand the procedure. We pride ourselves on our training and expertise and can help ease any concerns (if you have them), or provide information on the technologies or treatments. Please remember to tell us about any pre-existing medical conditions, allergies, or medications you're taking. This information is crucial for the staff to tailor the treatments to your specific needs and avoid any potential complications.

  2. Follow Pre-Treatment Instructions: When you book your appointment and upon confirmation, you will receive an email with pre-treatment instructions. 

    For all treatments, we recommend avoiding caffeine the day of your treatment if possible, as it may reduce your pain threshold. Avoid spicy foods (they dilate the blood vessels) and come to your appointment with clean skin and without any skincare products, including sunscreen (in the areas we are treating specifically). 

    For all facial treatments including Microneedling, Peels, Secret Pro, CO2 and Forma, please discontinue any actives (retinols, Vitamin C, AHA/BHA, salicylic acid, etc.) 4 days prior to treatment and 4 days post-treatment, as they may interfere with the treatment or cause adverse reactions. Please do not wear make-up to your appointment. Arriving with a clean face will allow our medical estheticians to prepare your skin adequately before starting your treatment.

    For laser hair removal, please shave 1 day prior (unless instructed otherwise) and leave a small patch in each area. Please ensure the area we are treating is free from any creams or lotions and if you use actives, please discontinue 4 days prior. Please do not use self-tanner on these areas for two weeks prior to treatment.

  3. Stay Hydrated and Get Enough Sleep: In the days leading up to your appointment, prioritize your health and well-being. Drink plenty of water and get adequate sleep to ensure your body is in the best condition for the procedure. Hydration and rest can help speed up the recovery process, increase your pain threshold and enhance the effectiveness of the treatments.

  4. Dress Comfortably: Wear loose, comfortable clothing to your appointment. Depending on the treatment, we can give you a robe so your clothes do not get soiled. 

  5. Plan for Downtime (if necessary): Some medi-spa treatments may require downtime for recovery. If your procedure calls for it, plan your schedule accordingly. Take time off work or avoid any strenuous activities that could impact the healing process. Use this downtime to rest, recover, and pamper yourself. If you’re unsure about downtime, ask us – some treatments require more downtime than others. 

  6. Prepare for Post-Care: Before you leave the clinic, be sure to understand the post-treatment care instructions. Following the proper aftercare routine is vital for the success and longevity of the results. Depending on the procedure, this might involve avoiding sun exposure, using specific skincare products, or attending follow-up appointments.

  7. Relax and Enjoy: Lastly, the most crucial preparation is to relax and enjoy your experience at Freedom Medi-Spa! Take this time to unwind, indulge, and focus on yourself. 

  8. Please respect our Cancellation Policy: When you book an appointment with Freedom Medi-Spa, it means we have reserved time in our schedule exclusively for you. Please note, we require a minimum of 24 hours notice for appointment cancellations.

    Failure to provide 24 hours notice or missing an appointment/free consultation will result in a non-refundable $50 charge. Subsequent missed appointments without notice will be charged at full price.

    By following these essential tips, you'll be fully prepared to make the most of your medi-spa appointment. Enjoy the journey to a more refreshed and revitalized version of YOU! We are looking forward to seeing you for your next appointment at Freedom Medi-Spa!


Are you experiencing “mask-face”? ⁣⁣

Are you experiencing “mask-face”? ⁣⁣

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Unfortunately, prolonged use of masks has been causing skin irritation, sensitivity, redness and acne in some of our clients. ⁣⁣
We’ve also seen some people with rosacea who have noticed flare ups. ⁣⁣
While wearing masks will be in our lives for a while longer, we have some tips to help with mask-face:⁣⁣
😷 Wear a clean mask every time; if you’re using reusable masks, make sure they’re clean and laundered ⁣⁣
😷 Skip your actives: if you’re going to be wearing a mask for hours on end, skip your daily actives, like vitamin c or retinol, which can cause additional sensitivity ⁣⁣
😷 Apply a thin layer of serum and moisturizer to keep your face hydrated ⁣⁣
😷 Schedule your services: schedule facial services the day you can go home and relax without a mask. ⁣⁣
😷 Take breaks: if you can, take breaks and allow your face to breathe ⁣⁣
If you need advice or help to select the right products or treatments to help mask-face, contact us.


We are very excited to launch the first and only Health Canada approved BB Glow treatment in Canada.

The struggle against fine lines, uneven skin tone, and breakouts can seem like a never-ending battle, but it’s one we all struggle with. Age, hormones, our diet, UV rays and more can all impact the health and vibrancy of our skin. Using cover up only masks these conditions and is a short-term solution at best. If you're tired of dealing with any of these skin issues, perhaps our latest addition to the Freedom service menu - the BB Glow - is your solution.

BB Glow treatments use mesotherapy to infuse an effective formulation of hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and titanium dioxide. This is a fantastic year round treatment to help lighten and brighten the skin. It is great for targeting hyper-pigmentation, uneven skin tone, and even melasma (hormonal pigmentation).

Buyer beware! Most BB Glow treatments are NOT Health Canada approved. They are actually infusing pigment into the skin to give that tanned look - permanently. This is extremely dangerous and is not recommended.

Watch our latest video shoot with our guest Patricia Curto from @Vaughanmoms. See her BB Glow treatment in action. Comment below with any questions.


Do You Care?  #selflove #selfcare

You may have noticed our new tag line.

because confidence is sexy

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Confidence is truly so sexy, don't you think? We all know those people who are super confident and command attention for various causes/reasons like Oprah, Angelina Jolie, Madonna and of course the Kardashian's. Having turned 45 this year and noticing a few more lines and grey hairs popping up, I find myself looking for more. How do we embrace our age and what comes (or goes) with it? Oh don't you worry, I am still all about fighting a good fight with mother nature. I still believe in feeling good in our skin and drinking from that fountain of youth. However, I started feeling like there must be more. So I thought I would take a deeper dive into what Real Confidence means.

Real Confidence (after reading and following many experts on the subject), I believe, is the ability to love ourselves - with flaws and all. Body image, self-love… we're such hypocrites aren't we? We tell our young girls that they should love themselves and be comfortable in their own skin, yet we follow Kylie Jenner on Instagram and buy the latest People magazine with all the (so called) "beautiful" celebrities on the cover. Believe me, I struggle with this myself. I work in an industry known for its superficial approach to "beauty". So who am I to blog about this? I guess because I struggle with it so much, I wanted to share my thoughts. I have amazing clients and professional contacts and we talk about this often. What I come back to over and over again is "what makes you feel good"? Not "what do you think you should look like/do/eat, etc?"

No matter what body you're in, or what reflection is staring back at you in the mirror, we all find flaws. Even Kylie Jenner has things about herself she doesn't like. Yes, even the perfect looking Kylie Jenner! (You can read about her post pregnancy insecurities here). I think that should be a lesson to us all. What we actually look like has little bearing on our self confidence. So many of us think when we see someone with a great body, a nice car and designer clothes on - they must be so happy and confident. They are living the perfect life! Wrong. Many people feel the need to surround themselves with expensive clothes and toys when they are looking for happiness. Don't get me wrong, I love all those things too! (Who doesn’t?) However, they don't make us happy. True happiness comes from within. That is the true pot of gold.

Social media is another contributor chipping away at our confidence levels. We see perfectly filtered faces and happy faces painted throughout our newsfeed. I would love for each person to post their lowest moment of the week as well as the happy times. If we could actually see everyone's low moments, we'd realize that we are all just real people who have good and bad times like everyone else. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think people should post “poor-me” pictures to drum up sympathy, rather just share some of the usual crap we deal with so we can laugh it off or deal with it in a more positive way. Our 14 year old dog, Laverne, has had diarrhea for 2 days - believe me that has not been fun! I'll hold off on any posts about that though. The point is we all have shit to deal with - literal or not. :), celebrity or not, millionaire or not.

So how do we learn to love ourselves? How do we see our flaws and embrace them? I don't really have an answer and I am most definitely no expert on the subject, however, I will share what helps me feel confident. I do my best to stay in shape, to be healthy and show my 2 preteen girls that it's important to be active. I try (I could use to try harder) to make healthy food choices. I feel so empowered when I make better choices, in all aspects of my life. Working out is probably the most empowering thing I do for myself. Whether it's a bike ride, going to my boot-camp classes at hourglass, or even going for a walk with my dogs, I feel stronger and that feeds my confidence. Also, I have always found that wearing clothes that I feel good in, makes me feel confident. They don't need to be name brand or be expensive either. They just need to suit me and feel comfortable. You'll usually find me in jeans whenever possible. I do love my jeans!

How about Aging? This one is a tough one. I struggle with this a bit. I am part of a very vain industry, but I do not consider myself a vain person. I believe we should all take care of ourselves which includes our faces. Our faces need a lot of love as they are always exposed to the elements. Both skin care treatments and great home care products are so important to both protect and nourish our skin. I also believe that if we can do treatments that help us to feel more confident, then why not?

My goal with each client is to help them feel more confident. If getting rid of a sun spot, broken capillary or unwanted hair helps, then let's do it!

In closing, I think Real Confidence is:

  • Taking good care of yourself - some sort of exercise, proper skin care regime and eating healthy;

  • Choosing to be positive - positive energy is so contagious;

  • Being kind and respectful of others (and to Yourself!);

  • A style. Yes, find a style you like to wear. How you like to project yourself. Kind of like choosing a book cover. (I have a few versions of myself);

  • A calm, pleasant vibe - your smiling inside. You know who you really are. (most of the time) ;)

Remember, no one feels these things all of the time. We all have our weak moments - we just have to get right back up. How? Well, I am no expert on this - this is a new journey for me too! However, I will share some wisdom from some amazing experts that have inspired me.

This article by Nitika Mor on Self-Love, is short and to the point. I love this article. This is what self-love is really about. Enjoy!

This article by Ellen Bard is AWESOME! Be sure to implement a few of the tips for self-care for mind, body and soul. They are creative and fun and I am excited to try them all! I've checked a few off so far, but turning them into habits is the real challenge. I know you will enjoy this!

Also, be sure to follow my good friend, cousin and the person who started me on this journey, inadvertently, funnily enough - Michella Menolascina. Michella will be hosting an evening with us later this fall speaking about self-love. Stay tuned!

And finally, I’d like to hear from you on what Real Confidence means to you.  Please comment below or in person when you visit us.  Let’s share our own thoughts/best practices.


Seeing Red Lately?

Are you tired of trying to cover up those annoying red and purple vessels around your nose?
They are called Facial Telangiectasias (more commonly known as Broken Capillaries) and are typically found around the nose, cheeks and chin area.    

How did they get there?   There are a few known causes, most commonly extreme temperatures (hot showers included), alcohol consumption, unprotected sun exposure (use your SPF 30+ daily - yes I am lecturing you again), prolonged use of harsh skin care products, some medications, pregnancy, aging, rosacea and heredity.  

Now what?  The fix is actually a quick and simple one.  Unlike most treatments, where some time must transpire before enjoying the end result, this usually produces instant results, having clients walk out with complete disappearance of vessels!  Some redness is usually remaining in the area for the remainder of the day, but that typically resolves quickly and the skin looks fantastic.  Yay!  

How does it work?  The vessel absorbs the laser energy and heats up coagulating it, and it will either instantly become debris and no longer visible, or it remains dried up and slowly (over a period of 1-3 weeks) it will disappear, with macrophages (scavenger cells) removing it gradually.  

Comment below with any questions.  We love to hear from you!

Remember all of our consultations are complimentary.   
Let us help you look as young as you feel.
We look forward to seeing you soon!


Indulge Your Senses Event @ The Club at Bond Head for DeafBlind Ontario

Last week we helped out with an event with DeafBlind Ontario, at The Club at Bond Lake - "Indulge Your Senses".  What a fantastic event it was - and an even better cause.  I don't have a pic of it, but guests experienced Desert in the Dark! Guests were blindfolded and forced to use the 4 other senses to help eat 3 different deserts - which were all on the same plate.  It was not easy!  What a crazy experience!  There are pics on DeafBlind Ontario's facebook page - see link below.

The work they do at DeafBlind Ontario is amazing!  These unfortunate people can now live a fuller more independant life - thanks to them.  

Visit to learn more, and for more pics of the event, visit their facebook page.

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I Am Woman - Hear Me Roar

Would you say you are a confident person?  Do you generally feel good about yourself?  Does your "inside" you, match your "outside" you?  How do you change that?

Confidence is a work in progress.  For some it comes a little more naturally and for others it takes some sweat.  We know that being confident is an amazing quality - but why is it so hard for some of us?

I recently read an article by Jamie McKillop of "Well & Good NYC", based on activist, author, and girl-power guru, Alexis Jones - (author of "I am That Girl").  I was instantly attracted to her writing and her thoughts on this topic.  First off, she wants us to know that we are "all beautiful bad-asses!" (Could be the sentence that made her my new bestie).

As we all know - it is not easy to embrace our inner bad-ass.  I thought I would share my fave tip from her list of 8 - but I couldn't do it - they are all great tips!   Check out her 8 Tips and remember YOU ARE AWESOME!

Check it out!

And let us know what you think by commenting below.



A Glimpse at a GREAT Day...

A BIG thank you to all of you who came out to help us celebrate Freedom's Anniversary.  We had a great time and hope you did as well.  This past year has been awesome and this next year is going to be FANTASTIC!  Stay tuned this fall for some exciting new services.

Thank you to Elizabeth Zelko of Plan Ahead Events who helped the event run smoothly.  Also Paul Spatafora of Capture it! Photography for doing a great job of capturing the event behind the lens.  It was a great day!




Kiss Me Mascara and Blinc Liquid Eyeliner

Oh My!  Thank Goodness I found out about these products!  For some strange reason I have developed a weird "eye thing".  I had to stop wearing my beloved mascara - yes I had to take DRASTIC measures.  And I am one of those people with light and tiny eyelashes - it was a devastating blow!  My eyes would sting and burn and itch when wearing it.  If I dared to wear it in a moment of backlash (pardon the pun), it always won, making me regret my decision.  It was actually a good friend of mine who introduced me to Kiss Me.  (We have become best friends since).  It is the only mascara I can wear.  It doesn't seep into my eyeballs midday, it doesn't decide to move south to the crease under my eye, it doesn't even run when I am out in the rain or should I have teary eyes!  LOVE IT!  Now my sensitive, light coloured lashes have nothing to complain about.

So…I decided to put both the mascara and eyeliner to the test.  I took pics of my make up at the end of the night (after a full day of wearing it), then I slept with it on (I know - immoral!).  I then took pics in the am.  Take a look - NO BLACK SMUDGES ON MY PILLOW - and my eye makeup still looks pretty good. That would have been good to have back in the day (coming home in the wee hours)!




Mo-vember Mo-stache Contest!

Get your game on boys!  You don't need to be a jock, an athlete, or even in great shape for that matter!  You can all participate in this one!  

Anyone who sends in a pic of their crazy stache will win a random draw prize.

Email us at

You can come in and pick from the prize jar yourself OR we can randomly do it for you!  So come one stache or come all!  You all win something!

The BEST Mo-stache will win a $100 Gift Certificate to spend on ANY service!

The grand prize is not applicable for Whole Body Cryotherapy. The winner will win from a vote by the entire team at Freedom. Entries must be submitted by November 25th.


My First Whole Body Cryotherapy Session

Very cool! Literally and figuratively. When I watched the video, I thought I looked a little freaked out - but I really wasn't.  I actually rather enjoyed it.  (What is with the pot light making my nose glow and look double the size??!)The first minute is fine, the 2nd starts to feel like when I was watching the kids skiing and the cold started to seep into my upper thighs and butt.  The last 20 seconds felt more like I had sat down on a block of ice and was getting frost bite.  My favourite part was immediately after I came out.  I felt cool little tingles all over - especially on the upper thighs and buttocks.  I felt like my saddlebags were frozen and going to fall right off - which was very satisfying!  (even if it was in my imagination).  Then it was back to work and everything was completely normal.  The tingling lasted for maybe 1/2 an hour afterwards.  It's hard to say for sure because I did get busy with work afterwards.  I felt good and am most definitely interested in continuing treatment.  Roman has explained to me that without a package any chronic pain and any real long term results would not be likely - which makes sense. 

Check out Roman's website and his monthly promos at


Grand Opening Pics...

What a FABULOUS day! Thank you to all of you who came out to celebrate with us.  A special thank you to our awesome Mayor, Mr. Maurizio Bevilacqua and our Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca.  It made for the perfect start to a great future in Vaughan.

Also a BIG thank you to Dolce Bombe (2 doors down from us) for the huge platter of YUMMY Bombe!  If you haven't tried one, you haven't lived!

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...Sneak Peak...

After months of hard work and planning, we are very pleased with the outcome.  Our new location is what we were hoping for and more.  We wanted to achieve an ambiance of peace and tranquility with a contemporary look - and we believe it is exactly that.  Come see for yourself.  Arrive a few minutes early or stay after your appointment and enjoy a Nespresso while listening to the peaceful water wall, and read a magazine.  Life is all about little stolen moments of pleasure!


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Thank you for the kind words...

Thank you so much for everyone who came out and "signed and sealed" their warm wishes into our front desk!


Our New Digs!

We are SOOOOOO excited to be moving into our new space soon - the 1 week count down is on!  There is still so much to do to be operational - but I think we can pull it off!  If you have an appointment next Tues April 23rd - as of now, we are planning to be in the new space.  In case of any last minute set backs, we will inform you either by email or phone.  For those of you who are wondering where we are moving to (that means you didn't read my newsletter), we are at the SAME ADDRESS - UNIT #2.  We are in Building A, which is the row of white units closer to TD Bank and we still face Pine Valley Dr….we are 2 doors away from Dolce Bombe (they make awesome cappucino's and the best Bombe (better than donuts)!

The unit is being transferred into something that I think is so beautiful.  It was just an empty shell - nothing was included.  It is quickly becoming a great space that I think you will all love and enjoy.  (A BIG thank you to OrangeRed Painting for all the hard work - what an amazing experience).  Take a sneak peek at some construction shots - but I am not going to give it all away….you'll have to come visit us and see it with your own eyes!

We also have a couple of  surprises up our sleeves for you.  We will be adding new services and we think you will be THRILLED!  You'll have to wait and see….

I will let you know when we are officially in our new space and then, please, come by for a coffee, a visit,  an appointment - whatever!  We would LOVE to see you and share our new home with you!



Sip and Sample Event Follow Up...

Thank you to all who attended our Sip and Sample event.  What an incredible evening!  29 lovely ladies turned out for an awesome night, of mingling, eating, drinking and of course learning more about our services .  The best part - we raised $675 for the Princess Margaret Weekend to End Women's cancers!  

We would like to thank all of the wonderful businesses who contributed with gifts for our grab bags. Please don't forget to use your gift certificates/offers - most businesses donated some sort of gift for you.  Enjoy them!

A BIG thank you to, Natalia and Laura from Euro Essentials who were so wonderful at helping to answer so many questions about the Green Peel Facials and the Dr. Schrammek product line, Janita from Silhouet Tone who was performing mini Microdermabrasion demos, Sandra from Solidea for educating the ladies on the Cellulite/Compression leggings/hosiery from Italy, and who could forget - Pierre from Perfecting Touch - who was showing his incredible talent for permanent make up by penciling in eyebrow corrections (he is an artist and has already had the pleasure of changing a few ladies lives since that evening)!

Vanessa and I want to thank you all for your loyalty and support.  It truly means the world to us.  We will always strive to give you our best in product quality and service.  

To take a peek at a few pics from the event below. 

Frank Gianforcaro from FRANKGPHOTO (who is a long time friend of mine), took some great shots that evening.  Take a look at his website  

Also, we were SNAP'D - check out the article about our event from Snap Woodbridge…COOL! (link)



Embracing Aging...

Truth be told - we would all love to look the way we did in our 20's (as for you folks in your 20's - lap it up!!).  Each day, we are sold on the importance of looking younger.   Seeing celebrities having had plastic surgery or procedures to help keep them looking younger, influences our views on aging.   Some celebrities are realizing the beauty and grace in aging and are fighting back.  They  have chosen to look great - non-invasively.   They  eat well, exercise, mediate, and use proper skin care.  Most admit to gentle non-invasive treatments such as microdermabrasion, skin peels and regular facials.  

Susan Sarandon is 65 and is looking great.  (Remember when 65 meant sitting in a rocking chair and knitting booties all day?)  She has not had any invasive treatments performed - thus far.  She has instead adopted a healthy lifestyle.  She eats food rich in anti-oxidants, has cut back on carbs, exercises and takes her vitamins.  She also favours microdermabrasion treatments regularly and slathers on sunscreen.

Kim Cattrall is now 55 and still looking sensationally sexy!  She has admitted to using Botox but refuses plastic surgery.  She speaks about being faithful with her skin care regime and "scrubbing" often.

It's not easy when the reflection in the mirror starts to look tired, sullen, dehydrated,  and/or wrinkled - but if you are taking care of your body and your skin - that reflection begins to look healthy, happy and absolutely beautiful - wrinkles and all.  Defying age, doesn't mean turning back the clock 20 years, it means looking GREAT at whatever age.

My personal take - I feel it is important to always look your best - naturally.  This doesn't mean a ton of make up or treatments or dressing up each day.  To me this means, looking in the mirror and still seeing me - with a glow and a smile - looking healthy.  This means drinking water, eating healthy, having a positive attitude and loving life.   I will (OF COURSE!)  try new non-invasive procedures that I know do not have horrible side effects.  But most importantly  I will love myself.  Look my best (even in my sweats).  Feel good.  Be Confident (always a work in progress).  Know who I am - wife, mother, daughter, friend, business owner.  I have come to terms with getting older and in turn I have become nicer to those under 30.  ;)

Take a look at a few celebs that are avoiding the knife:
Kate Beckinsale is put off by the surgically enhanced people who surround her in Hollywood and wants to age like her mother has - and look real.
Julianne Moore says she won't ever go under the knife.
Julia Roberts, now 44, spoke out about Botox and told Elle magazine,"I want my kids to know when I'm pissed, when I'm happy and when I'm confounded."
Teri Hatcher, in response to Roberts' comment, posted pics on facebook of herself in a towel, fresh out of the shower.  Telling women "You are BEAUTIFUL".


My Husband's Isagenix Comments...


Oh, and I asked my husband for his thoughts:

I love this stuff! Not because I’ve lost a few pounds and a notch on my belt (that doesn’t hurt), but because I feel great when I’m taking my two shakes + one healthy meal a day. Gone is my dependency on the morning caffeine kick (I didn’t enjoy the first couple mornings not having a coffee!), gone are the mid-day cravings, and gone is the mid-afternoon energy wall. Instead, I have a consistent amount of energy throughout the day and I feel great – really great! Some of my favorite products include the chocolate shake in the morning (I throw in a whole banana), and the energy drink – say goodbye to the sweet and salty store bought junk…this stuff is excellent! The breakfast shake keeps me full until noon. If I have a lunch meeting with a client, that’ll be my meal for the day, and I’ll have a shake for dinner. Otherwise, I go with the shake for lunch, plus some healthy snacks and I’m good until dinner. As long as I can keep Daniela from breaking out the wine and cheese in the evening, I’m good for the day. I’m very sensitive to getting headaches if I don’t eat right. On this system I haven’t been getting any headaches because I haven’t been hungry and because the nutrients in the system are excellent. I plan on continuing to use these products. I’m a fan!


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Daniela's Isagenix Challenge

My goal was simply to do a proper cleanse. One where I am not starving, and my body is being fed good quality nutrients. My husband joined me (thank goodness - that made it much easier to stay on track). Katerina advised us to stay off of all dairy (yes that includes cheese - my fave), red meat (another fave), coffee and alcohol (2 more faves) and very little sugar especially at night time - for 30 days. Well, I have to admit, I did have the odd tiny lapse - I AM HUMAN (and I do love my wine)! However, for the most part we stuck to the plan. I have to admit, I never felt hungry (except on a "cleanse" day, which is one day per week - even then the hunger was suppressed with some healthy snacks and LOTS of water). I LOVE the shakes and my husband and I have decided we will continue to have those for breakfast. We add a whole banana and some frozen berries and feel very sustained until lunch. Normally I would find myself hungry by 10:30/11am. I also know that I am getting so many more nutrients with the shake and I am eating much more fruit because of it - win win! I have noticed a few changes in myself 1. I feel as though I have more energy throughout the day. 2. It has made me want to work out more and take better care of myself. 3. I just feel healthier! 4. It has made me appreciate wine even more! LOL!

This was my first cleanse ever. I have never really believed we needed to "cleanse". I must say Katerina has taught me a lot about taking care of my body - without feeling deprived of anything. I have been using Isagenix products for awhile now, but now I will incorporate them into my daily life - because I feel healthier taking them.

I also asked a client of mine how she was finding it so far. She was only on it for 9 days at that point. She said she was already feeling a difference in the way her clothes felt. She was so surprised that she was actually starting to see an outline of her figure – better definition. She is very excited! She is also very pleased that the shakes taste great and she hasn’t felt hungry.

If you are interested or even just curious, give Katerina a call at 416-274-9108, or feel free to ask me about it. She will also help you devise a plan that suits your needs. This can be used as a GREAT weight loss program - and you won't feel hungry!

To GREAT health!



Scary Teen/Tween Trend


See the story here.

As a mother of two little girls - my eldest 6, my stomach turns and my eyes are filled with tears as I watch a young tween ask an audience of internet crooners, "Am I ugly?", "Am I fat". I am shocked - or not? Perhaps I remember all too well the insecurities of the tween/teen years. If your skirt is too long, you are a "loser", "nerd"; if your skirt is too short, you are a "sleaze", "tramp". If you don't wear make up or if you wear too much of it; if your hair is a certain way (I remember dreading going to school with a new hairdo!), if you wear certain shoes/boots, if you do your jacket up all the way….do you remember? I wish we could teach our children what we know now - those things don’t matter. If only they could see how wonderful they are, how beautiful inside and out, how funny, how sensitive, how smart, how talented. Yes, we all have to "go through it", however, maybe as parents we can make it easier for them. I remember being told how "the High School years are the best years of your life". Well, if you are feeling out of place and insecure - that is not a very encouraging outlook for the future!

Perhaps as Psychologist Dr. Diana Kirschner points out, we can make sure our children feel how loved they are - as they are. Focus on what they are good at and praise them often for it. Focus on both outer and inner beauty. This will help raise their self esteem. I also believe we need to make sure they enjoy being their age. They want to get older, they want to do what older kids get to do - but lets try our damnedest to have them act their age.

This brings about the question - "How do we teach them proper grooming and not go too far?" We want our kids to learn proper hygiene and to take care of their face and body. We teach healthy eating, proper bathing, the routine of washing our face and brushing our teeth. What do we do when "unwanted hair" pops up? Or wanting to wear make up? When is it okay? I have clients ask me all the time, "What age is a good age to start laser for my daughter?". My answers vary. I do agree that hair removal treatment should start before the child has to worry about feeling uncomfortable (especially with upper lip and eye brow hair). Personal grooming is a tricky topic with young girls. I tell most moms to wait until it bothers the child. Even then if it is not too bad, bleaching the hair for a year or two can buy some time. The youngest girl I've ever treated for an upper lip was a 9 year old, who had very dark hair and a lot of it. Her and her mom felt that she really did need the treatment.

My two cents - Keep the "grooming" to the basics for as long as possible. Kids need to be kids. Kids need to learn that real friends love you for who you are. Real friends do not make fun. If they do, they are not worth being friends with. Move on to someone who likes to have fun and not "make fun". If someone calls your child ugly or fat - she/he needs to have the confidence to turn away and find another friend - a real one. (And you need to have the strength to not go and throttle that person!)
