The Green VS Glow Peel Challenge

You may recall last fall we ran a Green vs. Glow Peel Challenge.  We asked a few of those who took part, which peel they preferred. Well, apparently that was a difficult choice! They really couldn't entirely decide. Most liked both for different reasons, but we made them choose one.  Here are the results and a few testimonials….
Glow Peel  - 54%
Green Peel - 46%
Why Peel?  
A peel is a great way to get rid of that dull, dry layer of skin that as we age, takes it's sweet time to exfoliate on its own.  In our younger years, our skin naturally regenerates itself.  As we age, we need to help it along.  Peels help us do just that.  There are many different types of peels which focus on different things.  Our favourites and most popular are the Green Peel and the Glow Peel.  There are different levels of each.  If you have never tried a peel, we would recommend you start with a light peel and see how you and your skin do.  
How to Choose a Peel
The easiest way?  Book a free consultation and see what peel would meet your needs.  It really does depend on how sensitive your skin is, what events you may have coming up, what treatments you've done in the past and a biggie - what your definition of "downtime" is. Some clients are willing to peel for days to get an amazing result - while others want to peel as lightly as possible (or not at all)!  
What to Expect
Peeling.  With a medium to intense peel, you will PEEL.  However, if you keep the skin hydrated afterwards - no one will really notice.  On day 3/4 you will peel the most.  We always recommend you bring your aftercare cream with you everywhere you go, and keep slathering it on throughout the day as needed.  After day 5, enjoy that beautiful glowing skin!  And for heaven's sake take good care of it!  Daily 40+SPF people!  YES! Even in the Winter, even when it's a gray day, even in the rain!  The harmful, aging UVB rays are still looking for you - even when it's overcast and gloomy.  
We have amazing facial sunscreens that you will love - just ask us about them. 




Green Peel - Energy (medium)

I did do both the Green and the Glow peel. They are both great treatments and as usual, I feel that everything done is customized to my needs and skin type/age/condition. If I have to choose, I choose the Green Peel.
— Janice, Richmond Hill

Green Peel - Classic (deep peel)

Both treatments made a huge difference to my face. I loved green peel . The way my face peeled and the way my scars went away was nice to see. I noticed a huge difference in my skin. I also loved glow peel but I think I prefer green peel since my skin needs more intense treatment. I have booked one more session for green peel and I can’t wait to see more results. Thank you very much for helping me find a treatment that is suitable for my acne scars and face.
— Nahleen, Brampton

Glow Peel

I really like both treatments, they seemed to have similar results. When I had the green peel I felt my skin looked great and lasted for a few months. With the GLOW Peel - my skin felt softer/smoother, and still glowing a month later. My preference is the Glow Peel. I like my skin tone and feel like I look more youthful with this one.
— Susy, Nobleton

Glow Peel

I found both treatments were effective in cleaning up some of skin’s imperfections, my skin definitely felt better, smoother, cleaner, etc. I found that the Green Peel facial hurt a bit (the scrub part) but nothing too bad. I really loved the Alumier MD Glow Peel. I peeled for days after this peel and my skin was definitely glowing. I almost felt like I had a bit of a tan afterword’s, a little colour!
— Nadia, Woodbridge

Glow Peel

I really like both! I love the Glow Peel because I walked out of there with an Amazing Glow. My skin felt tight and although it stung during the process the after was not painful at all. I peeled approx 3-4 days later. With the Green Peel I feel I’ve had a really good exfoliation. This one didn’t give me a shiny glow but more of a clean fresh face. While this one didn’t sting during, It was a bit more uncomfortable after though. Feeling a bit hot and flush and stingy upon touching. I peeled 3-4 days later as well.
I really don’t know which I prefer. Green Peel is natural so I love that part. The Glow had no down time and I loved my tight Glow right after! If I had to choose it would be the Glow.
— Angie, Richmond Hill

Green Peel - Energy (medium)

I find that with the glow peel I got more compliments on my skin. I still enjoy the green peel as I feel it pulls toxins from deep in the skin. I also enjoy the Dr. Schrammek after care products better. I peeled about equal with each one but I did feel more glowing with the glow peel. Since the glow peel is a chemical peel and the green peel is all natural I prefer the natural products of the green peel. I’m sure I will incorporate both peels into my skin care program depending on what my skin needs at each given time.
— Adrianna, Woodbridge