Spider Vein Treatment

The Nd:YAG laser is best for this treatment.  The award winning Apogee Elite truly does a fantastic job on both leg veins and broken capillaries.  The laser is absorbed by the hemoglobin, resulting in, sometimes instant disappearance of unwanted veins/vessels.  Most treatments on leg veins result in temporary welting (resolve in less than 2 hours), redness of the area, and the vessel usually looks darker than it was.  The reason for that is simply that the vessel is coagulated and therefore the blood has been dried up and looks darker in appearance than would a live vessel with blood flow.  This darker coagulated vessel, will become debris and eventually (usually within 1-2 weeks) disappear.

Any vessel that is either purple or red are great candidates for this laser vein treatment. 

Most clients need anywhere from 1 - 3 visits on one area.  A follow up visit is always booked for 6 weeks post treatment.

Compression stockings or tensor bandages must be used for 1-2 weeks post treatment.  This will help keep those vessels collapsed.
