Have you looked at the ingredients in your favourite sunscreen?
/Purchasing sunscreen can be overwhelming, and many of us have favourites — from the price, to the fragrance, to how it’s applied, we all have preferences when it comes to the SPF we select.
As we all know, reading the ingredients on sunscreen labels is incredibly important. There are still some sunscreens on the market that contain harmful chemicals that no one should be putting on their skin. Also, certain sunscreens, like spray sunscreens, pose potential inhalation risks that need to be considered.
So, how does your favourite sunscreen stack up?
We’ve compared over 30 sunscreens and categorized them by GREEN — safe to use, AMBER — use with caution, and RED — STOP USING IMMEDIATELY.
NEW THIS YEAR, we’ve added a special chart for spray sunscreens specifically.
It’s important to remember that even sunscreens from the same company or brand contain different ingredients, so don’t be surprised if similar sunscreens are categorized differently.
So, without futher adieu, here is our 2022 Sunscreen Comparison.
Any surprises or sunscreens you’ll reconsider?
With school ending this week and summer camps on the horizon, be sure to stock your cabinets and knapsacks with quality sunscreen and safe ingredients.