What's the Difference between Microneedling and Microneedling with RF?

Microneedling has always been a very popular treatment at Freedom Medi-Spa, great for both beginners and experienced medi-spa clients. But what’s the difference between regular microneedling and our new Secret Pro Microneedling with RF?

Let’s break it down:

Microneedling is a procedure that creates micro-wounds in the skin using very fine needles, in order to stimulate collagen and elastin production. As a treatment, it is most commonly used to help improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, and skin texture. 

If you are experiencing early signs of aging, microneedling is an excellent treatment and will give great results in fine line reduction, acne, and overall skin texture.

And in comes the Secret Pro.

The Secret Pro, Microneedling with Radio Frequency is microneedling with a BIG boost. Radio Frequency is the gold-standard for deeper lines, laxity and scarring thus, will give you MORE lifting and more skin tightening than any other treatment. 

The Secret Pro causes fractionated damage beneath the skin and the deep heat will help with tightening, and ramping up collagen production.

If you have loved your Microneedling but want to try a more intense treatment that will help with deeper lines, the loss of collagen and crepey skin, it may be time to up the ante and try Secret Pro.

It’s important to note we stand behind both technologies and are proud to offer a variety of treatments to our clients based on their individual needs and concerns.

Want to Know More about Secret Pro?

Our new SecretPro treatment is a must-try at Freedom Medi-Spa! Want to know more about it?

What is Secret Pro RF?*

Secret Pro is a microneedling treatment that improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, laxity and scars with little to no downtime. It uses microneedles to deliver fractional Radio Frequency (RF) energy into varying levels of the skin.  

Can you explain the treatment?

Like ordinary micro needling, tiny needles penetrate the skin at various depths, causing micro-wounds. These micro-wounds stimulate the production of collagen and help to rejuvenate the skin. The difference is, the Secret Pro also uses radio frequency energy. This RF energy is delivered into the dermal layer causing fractionated damage beneath the epidermis. This stimulates mass collagen and repair.

How long is each treatment?

Here at Freedom, we ensure each client is numbed properly and comfortably. The actual treatment takes approx. 45 mins and we finish with a cooling post-care mask. The entire booking time is approx. 2 hours. Unlike many clinics that do not allow for the proper amount of prep and post care. As well many do not do as many passes over the areas as we do.

Does it hurt?

While Secret Pro RF is not a painless treatment, we do prep the skin with a numbing cream to make it a more comfortable experience. 

Who will see best results from Secret Pro?

If you have started to notice texture changes in your skin, laxity, lines and wrinkles that bother you, you could benefit from a Secret Pro RF treatment. It is a great treatment for all skin types.

When will I see results?

To achieve the optimal effect, 3-4 Secret RF treatments are recommended. You’ll start to notice results after even one treatment, however, optimal results appear 3 months after the last treatment.

Let’s do it! How do I book a treatment?

First, you’ll need a consultation — from there, we can provide all the details you need to make an informed decision about the procedure. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our Secret Pro treatment specialists.

*Secret Pro also has a second handpiece to do C02 treatments. We will save that Q & A for another day!
