Sun spots? Sun damage? Age spots? Broken capillaries? Spider veins?...
/Have you been pretending not to notice some sun damage, or putting off doing anything about that spotty chest area, or layering cover up on a brown patch - just stop! It's time you learn more about IPL/Photo Facials (also used on body areas for pigmentation and sun/age spots) and what your options are. If you still aren't sure - remember all of our consultations are FREE. Come and see us and meet our babies (our different technologies - that we love). Generally sun damage and pigmentation are relatively easy to treat. Even with only one treatment….you will see a notable difference in the evenness of your skin tone. Many clients have told us they no longer need to wear foundation. Let's walk you through a treatment…. After cleansing the skin well (or arriving with a freshly cleansed face), ultrasound clear gel is applied to the skin, we do a quick test patch to ensure a desired skin reaction, then after waiting a few minutes we begin treatment. The treatment is fairly comfortable - it is more painful when we are treating a more prominent dark spot. The tip provides chilling for comfort and reduced skin reaction. The goal is to cause the pigment to darken. In doing so, we are lifting that unwanted tissue (hopefully entirely - most often up to 95% of it), causing it to scab (it feels like a rough patch - it is not one big scab….in other words - it is not obvious), and will slough off within 2-3 weeks.
Some pre and post instructions to note:
Pre Care
You CAN NOT have a tan. You must be your natural skin colour.
Do not use anything aggressive ie Retinol or AHA creams 1-2 days prior to treatment. (We do not want the skin to be irritated)
Must be at least 1 week since having a regular peel treatment - 2 weeks from a deeper peel.
Post Care
We recommend a post care kit to use for the next 5 - 14 days post treatment (this is optional but available at 25% off as we really encourage it).
No exfoliating until after any darker areas have sloughed off and the skin has returned to its normal colour.
Pat dry and treat with care. Any scabbing should remain as long as possible so the skin beneath is completely ready to face the world! ;)
No aggressive treatments for 3 weeks post treatment.