Repair, Reversal and Prevention

Small and Simple Procedures produce greater results and are best in the long run...


"I've always encouraged my patients to consider small procedures earlier, rather than wait until radical corrections are necessary",  Dr. Imber states in August's Shape magazine (article - The Lunch Hour Lift).   I couldn't agree more.  Working with someone who has a good amount of collagen, allows us to double that amount easily.  The more collagen present - the easier it is to manufacture more.  

Turning back the clock is a little more tricky and more costly.  Prevention is most definitely the best plan.  Prior to noticing the signs of aging, I recommend the start of anti-aging treatments.  Wouldn't it be great to age gracefully and have only subtle changes?  Wouldn't it be great never having to worry about deep set lines/wrinkles and sagging skin?  PREVENTION.

If you're reading this thinking "I'm 50+, so now what?",  there are plenty of repair methods as well.  Combining treatments is the best solution.  There is no one treatment that can magically do everything.  A treatment plan which includes different treatments and technologies that are specific to your needs, produces optimal results.

Bottom line - have a consultation.  You should never do any treatment you are not comfortable with.  Let's discuss it.  We will put together a treatment program for you and get you on track to aging gracefully - not "plastically".   

Isn't it time you look as young as you feel?

Book a complimentary consultation today.
