Intensive Clarity Treatment: 0.5% pure retinol night

Perfect skin is what we all strive for. A clear and even complexion with a healthy glow. Along with ensuring the skin ages gracefully - unfortunately aging is inevitable. BUT! We can slow down this process with the things we can control in our life; such as healthy food choices, a good skin care routine, anti-aging treatments and overall a healthy life style. Remember your age is only a number.

I’m sure you already know Daniela and I take great pride in testing all products, treatments and machines before we bring them into Freedom. We recently added the PCA Peel to our services. Clients have really enjoyed this treatment and have had great results. I of course had the PCA Peel performed on myself first and it was great! PCA is a very well know line in the Aesthetic world.  Along with their professional treatments and peels, they also have some very effective serums.  Since I really enjoyed the PCA Peel I wanted to try one of their at home treatment products to enhance and maintain the benefits of the Peel. I decided on the Intensive Clarity Treatment: 0.5% pure retinol night.  This product claims to repair hyperpigmentation and acne. It also helps increase exfoliation, increases collagen production and has powerful anti-oxidant protection.

I noticed a difference in my skin only after using this product for a couple days. I noticed my skin tone looked much more even, and my skin felt very smooth. My post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (pigment from acne) seemed to have noticeably faded. I had a couple little acne friends (Bob, Joe and Martha) pop up the day before I started using this product. My unwelcome friends healed and completely vanished after two days of using it.  I’m very pleased with the results from this treatment so far, and I imagine the results and benefits will only continue to get better.
A good home skin care routine is so important.  Using products that are suited to your skin type and conditions will keep your skin at optimal health. If you are having treatments done for your skin, home care will only improve, enhance and maintain the results of the treatments.  Proper home care is a worthwhile investment.

