Vanessa’s Green Peel Experience
/Although Green Peel treatments can be performed at any time of the year, I generally feel my skin needs a little extra boost after the summer. I usually get my annual Green Peel facial right around this time. I have had the Green Peel - Classic treatment previously, this year I decided to try the Green Peel - Energy.
The main issue I have with my skin is pigmentation. I have post inflammatory hyperpigmentation caused by acne, as well as pigment from sun damage. I do not tan any longer. The sun damage is from my teen years when being tanned all year around was the thing to do. Now I have embraced my paleness :)! The Green Peel - Energy is an awesome treatment for those with hyperpigmentation of any kind.
Immediately after the Green Peel - Energy treatment my skin felt warm, prickly, tight, a little bit sensitive almost like I had a sunburn and very smooth to the touch. After this treatment, the skin does not typically peel. However, I have had some clients who tend to peel anyway - I apparently fall under this category. My skin lightly peeled evenly over my entire face. The peeling started two days after the treatment and continued to peel for about 3 days. However, it wasn't obvious to anyone else but myself. Keeping my skin hydrated with the Special Care cream, really helped prevent any flaking. My skin is looking and feeling great. I love the Green Peel treatments :)!
Check out the video of my experience!
Vanessa :)