Laser Facials - Non-invasive Anti-Aging Facial
This is a very comfortable treatment. This treatment uses bulk heating to slowly heat the epidermis, causing the skin to believe there is trauma. This in turn forces the skin to produce more collagen to repair the area. The skin will continue to repair the area for quite some time post treatment. The area will become smoother in texture; clearer, softer, easing of fine lines and wrinkles, and most will see a radiant glow.
There is no downtime whatsoever with the Laser Facial. You may even book this treatment on a lunch hour. You may find you are a little pink post treatment; however, this tends to fade within the hour.
It is recommended you purchase a package of 6 facials - where you will receive the 7th complimentary. The first 6 facials are generally booked at 2 week intervals, then the 7th and on ward should be booked at 3-4 week intervals. Most stick with a 4-6 wk maintenance plan.