Frequently Asked Questions


Sculpsure Treatments

+ Is SculpSure right for me?

SculpSure is ideal for people with trouble spots, particularly those that seem resistant to diet and exercise.

+ What areas does SculpSure treat?

It is most commonly used on the abdomen and flank areas ("muffin top" & "love handles").

+ What should I expect during the treatment?

Most patients feel a tingling sensation intermittently throughout the treatment which is generally well-tolerated.

+ How long will results last?

Treated fat cells are destroyed during the treatment and will not regenerate.

+ How long before I can resume normal activities?

There is no downtime with SculpSure, so you can have the treatment during your lunch hour and return to work immediately.

+ What is the difference between fat loss and weight loss?

The number of fat cells stored in our bodies typically remain constant throughout adult life. After the SculpSure treatment, the destroyed fat cells will not return. However, as we lose weight, the size of fat cells become smaller, but typically do not decrease in number. Even with diet and exercise, many people have difficulty losing weight in these trouble areas.